This repository contains a collection of programs developed for the Mobile Application Development Laboratory course. The programs are designed to provide practical hands-on experience in developing mobile applications for the Android platform.
- Program 1: Visiting Card
- Program 2: Simple Calculator
- Program 3: Sign Up and Login Activity
- Program 4: Changing Wallpaper Application
- Program 5: Counter Application
- Program 6: Parsing JSON and XML Data
- Program 7: Text to Speech Application
- Program 8: Call and Save Application
Program | Title of Program |
Prog. 1 | Visiting Card |
Prog. 2 | Simple Calculator |
Prog. 3 | Sign Up and Login Activity |
Prog. 4 | Changing Wallpaper Application |
Prog. 5 | Counter Application |
Prog. 6 | Parsing Json and XML Data |
Prog. 7 | Text to Speech Application |
Prog. 8 | Call and Save Application |
The purpose of this repository is to provide a comprehensive set of mobile application programs that cover various aspects of Android app development. These programs aim to develop skills in designing user interfaces, implementing functionality, handling user input, and integrating different features of mobile devices.
Each program in this repository can be accessed individually. You can clone or download the repository to your local machine and open the programs using an Android development environment such as Android Studio. From there, you can build and run the applications on an Android emulator or a physical Android device.
Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have any improvements or additional programs related to mobile application development, feel free to create a pull request. Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the guidelines and coding standards of the repository.
The programs in this repository are provided under the MIT License. However, please note that while the programs have been tested, they are provided as-is, without any warranty. The repository owner and contributors will not be liable for any damages or losses arising from the use of these programs.
It is recommended to use these programs for learning purposes and to verify their functionality in a controlled environment before deploying them to production or real-world applications.