This repository contains the MorphoCut web application that serves as a frontend for the MorphoCut library.
During development, Flask and Vue run natively on the host. PostgreSQL and Redis run in their respective Docker containers.
To run PostgreSQL and Redis, you need Docker Compose.
To run the Python application, create a Conda environment by running the following in the repository root:
conda env create -f environment.yml # Create a prespecified environment
To run the Vue application, you need to have NodeJS installed. Then install the required packages:
/$ cd morphocut_server/frontend /morphocut_server/frontend/$ npm install # Install all the required packages
Start PostgreSQL and Redis. The services will run as long as the window is not closed.
/$ docker-compose up postgres redis # Start the PostgreSQL and Redis containers exposing the relevant ports
In a new window, start Flask:
/$ source activate_dev # Activate the environment and set appropriate environment variables /$ flask run # Run the flask application, reloading automatically as necessary. ... * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) ...
In a third window, start Vue:
/$ cd morphocut_server/frontend /morphocut_server/frontend/$ npm run serve # Run the Vue frontend, reloading automatically as necessary. ... App running at: - Local: http://localhost:8080/frontend/ ...
Open the link to access the application.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.