Welcome to EZCalour, the point and click GUI for the Calour microbiome analysis software.
Simple installers (just download and run):
Alternatively, you can install via console as part of the calour installation using these instructions
Detailed documentation for using EZCalour can be found here
Amplicon experiment
1a. Load the data using the "Load" button on the top-left corner
1b. Select the biom table file (mandatory), and the mapping file (optional)
1c. Select "amplicon experiment" from the Type combo box
Metabolomics experiment
1a. Load the data using the "Load" button on the top-left corner
1b. Select the csv bucket table file (mandatory), and the mapping file (optional)
1c. If each row in the csv bucket table corresponds to a sample, select "Metabolomics - samples are rows" from the Type combo box. Otherwise, select "Metabolomics - samples are columns"
1d. If you have a GNPS data file (see here for instructions), you can supply this file in the GNPS file field, in order to get GNPS annotations for each metabolite
Select "Filter" in the "Samples" tab, select the values you want to keep (or throw away using the "negate" checkbox)
Select "Cluster" in the "Features" tab. You can also enter a minimal threshold for keeping features (i.e. throw away features with reads sum over all samples < threshold).
Select the plot button at the bottom.
You can choose a sample field to sort by, as well as bars for the x and y axis
Keyboard shortcuts for the heatmap are described here