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lachlan edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Explaining the Ampache CLI

The Ampache bin folder has been cleaned up into a 2 files. bin/cli and bin/installer

Generally you should only be interested in the cli program; all the old scripts have been migrated into cli commands.

-h|--help can be used to display help for commands and cli itself.

Migrated actions

In general, simply updating the command should work as expected with 2 exceptions.

  • ./bin/install/ => ./bin/cli admin:addUser
  • ./bin/install/ => ./bin/installer
  • ./bin/install/ => ./bin/cli admin:updateDatabase
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:broadcast
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:calculateArtSize
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:updateCatalog
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:channel
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli cleanup:art
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:computeCache
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:cronProcess
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli cleanup:songs
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli export:albumArt
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:convertFilenames
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli print:tags
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli cleanup:sortSongs
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:updateDb
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:updateCatalogFile
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli run:websocket
  • ./bin/ => ./bin/cli export:playlist

Command changes

There are 2 files that have had switches change between versions.

When migrating and commands take note that if you used the shorthand switch -v it has changed to -e

So the Ampache 4 command:

./bin/ music -cagv


./bin/cli run:updateCatalog music -cage

New CLI actions

There are some new features that were never part of Ampache 4.


If you have a large image table and would like to export your art, this command will export art to the local_metadata_dir from your config.


Command to start Transcode Caching.


When you have changed mount points you can update the database locations to match this new location.

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