Table of content
excel-writer is a Python project that provides a custom framework built on the xlsxwriter library. This framework allows you to create Sheet, Table, Column, Cell and Format objects to simplify and standardize the process of generating Excel files. By using excel-writer, you can clean up your code and ensure consistency across your Excel generation scripts.
- Python 3.12.3
- Xlsxwriter 3.2.0
pip install "git+https://${TOKEN}"
# or if you have ssh key
# pip install git+ssh://
git clone
cd excel-writer
poetry install
poetry shell
# if you want to build
poetry build
The client script shows an example about how to use the library.
git clone
cd excel-writer/tests
Suppose you have a data as below, and you need to make a table with column name, subject, score, and average score.
students = {
"DongHun Kim": [("Music", 55), ("Math", 100), ("Biology", 60), ("Computer Science", 100)],
"Sanghwa Han": [("Math", 100), ("Biology", 90), ("Computer Science", 100)],
"Wonkyung Lee": [("Music", 98), ("Art", 99), ("Biology", 100)],
"Bokyu Shin": [("Math", 99), ("Computer Science", 100)],
And your goal is to draw a table as above.
from excel_writer.excel_writer import ExcelWriter
from excel_writer.excel import Sheet, Format, Line, Align, Border
# ######################################## Make sheet ########################################
default_format = Format({"align": "center", "valign": "vcenter", "font_size": 10,
"bold": False, "left": 7, "right": 7})
sheet = Sheet(
name="Students", set_zoom=180, freeze_panes=[(2, 0)], sheet_format=default_format,
set_rows=[(1, 20.25)], # set header column height as 20.25
set_columns=[(0, 0, 1)], # set 0 to 0 column width as 1
# ######################################## Make table ########################################
table = sheet.get_and_add_table(table_name="Records", draw_from=(1, 1), table_format=default_format, filter_option=True)
# ######################################## Make columns ########################################
name_col = table.get_and_add_column("Name", width=13.5, column_format={"left": 2})
subject_col = table.get_and_add_column("Subject", width=20)
score_col = table.get_and_add_column("Score", width=4.5)
average_col = table.get_and_add_column("Average", width=8, column_format={"right": 2})
header_format = Format({"bg_color": "#FDE9D9", "top": 2, "bottom": 2, "bold": True})
name_col.get_and_add_cell("Name", cell_format=header_format.font_color("white").bg_color("#E87A5D"))
subject_col.get_and_add_cell("Subject", cell_format=header_format.font_color("#F3B941").bg_color("#3B5BA5"))
score_col.get_and_add_cell("Score", cell_format=header_format.font_color("#3B5BA5").bg_color("#E87A5D"))
average_col.get_and_add_cell("Average", cell_format=header_format.font_color("#E87A5D").bg_color("#F3B941"))
# ######################################## Make cells ########################################
for student_name, records in students.items():
total = 0
to_be_merged = []
for subject, score in records:
total += score
for _ in range(len(records)):
cell = average_col.get_and_add_cell(round(total / len(records), 2))
sheets = [sheet]
excel_exporter = ExcelWriter("output.xlsx", sheets) # excel file name
excel_exporter.write_excel_sheets() # note that you pass the list of sheet objects, not a sheet object
DongHun Kim -