PyAmur is an object-oriented Python interface to the Amur blockchain platform.
You can install PyAmur using:
pip install pyamur
The library utilizes classes to represent various Amur data structures:
- pyamur.Address
- pyamur.Asset
- pyamur.AssetPair
- pyamur.Order
import pyamur as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
otherAddress = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM')
myAddress.sendAmur(otherAddress, 10000000)
myToken = myAddress.issueAsset('Token1', 'My Token', 1000, 0)
while not myToken.status():
myAddress.sendAsset(otherAddress, myToken, 50)
pyamur.Address(address, publicKey, privateKey, seed) Creates a new Address object
- address
- publicKey
- privateKey
- seed
balance(assetId='', confirmations=0)
returns balance of Amur or other assets
returns a list of assets owned by the address
issueAsset(name, description, quantity, decimals=0, reissuable=False, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE, timestamp=0)
issue a new asset
reissueAsset(Asset, quantity, reissuable=False, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE, timestamp=0)
reissue an asset
burnAsset(Asset, quantity, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE, timestamp=0)
burn the specified quantity of an asset
sendAmur(recipient, amount, attachment='', txFee=DEFAULT_TX_FEE, timestamp=0)
send specified amount of Amur to recipient
massTransferAmur(transfers, attachment='', timestamp=0)
sending Amur tokens via a mass transfer
sendAsset(recipient, asset, amount, attachment='', txFee=DEFAULT_TX_FEE, timestamp=0)
send specified amount of an asset to recipient
massTransferAmur(self, transfers, attachment='', timestamp=0)
sending an asset via mass transfer
cancelOrder(assetPair, order)
cancel an order
buy(assetPair, amount price, maxLifetime=30*86400, matcherFee=DEFAULT_MATCHER_FEE, timestamp=0)
post a buy order
get tradable balance for the specified asset pair
sell(assetPair, amount, price, maxLifetime=30*86400, matcherFee=DEFAULT_MATCHER_FEE, timestamp=0)
post a sell order
lease(recipient, amount, txFee=DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE, timestamp=0)
post a lease transaction
leaseCancel(leaseId, txFee=DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE, timestamp=0)
cancel a lease
get order history for the specified asset pair
cancel all open orders for the specified asset pair
delete order history for the specified asset pair
createAlias(alias, txFee=DEFAULT_ALIAS_FEE, timestamp=0)
create alias
sponsorAsset(assetId, minimalFeeInAssets, txFee=pyamur.DEFAULT_SPONSOR_FEE, timestamp=0)
sponsoring assets
setScript(script, txFee=pyamur.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FEE, timestamp=0)
sets a script for this address
dataTransaction(data, timestamp=0)
sets data for the account. data should be a json array with entries including type (bool, binary, int, string), key and value
pyamur.Asset(assetId) Creates a new Asset object
- status
- assetId
- issuer
- name
- description
- quantity
- decimals = 0
- reissuable = False
returns 'Issued' if the asset exists
pyamur.AssetPair(asset1, asset2) Creates a new AssetPair object with 2 Asset objects
- asset1
- asset2
get order book
get ticker with 24h ohlcv data
get traded price
get 24h open price
get 24h high price
get 24h low price
get 24h close price (same as last())
get 24h vwap price
get 24h volume
get 24h price volume
get the last n trades
trades(from, to)
get the trades in from/to interval
candles(timeframe, n)
get the last n candles in the specified timeframe
candles(timeframe, from, to)
get the candles in from/to interval in the specified timeframe
pyamur.Order(orderId, assetPair, address='') Creates a new Order object
- status
- orderId
- assetPair
- address
- matcher
- matcherPublicKey
returns current order status
cancel the order
pyamur.setNode(node, chain, chain_id)
set node URL ('http://ip-address:port') and chain (either 'mainnet' or 'testnet', or any other chain, if you also define the chain id)
pyamur.setChain(chain, chain_id)
set chain (either 'mainnet' or 'testnet', or any other chain if you also supply the chain id)
switch to offline mode; sign tx locally without broadcasting to network
switch to online mode; sign tx locally a broadcast to network
checks if the provided address is a valid Amur address
set matcher URL ('http://ip-address:port')
set datafeed URL ('http://ip-address:port')
get blockchain height
get last block
get block at specified height
get transaction details
get list of symbol-asset mapping
get all traded markets with tickers
get predefined asset for the specified symbol (pyamur.AMUR, pyamur.BTC, pyamur.USD,...)
The fees for amur/asset transfers, asset issue/reissue/burn and matcher transactions are set by default as follows:
- DEFAULT_TX_FEE = 100000
- DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE = 100000000
import pyamur as pw
# generate a new address
myAddress = pw.Address()
# set an address with an address
myAddress = pw.Address('3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh')
# get an existing address from seed
myAddress = pw.Address(seed='seven wrist bargain hope pattern banner plastic maple student chaos grit next space visa answer')
# get an existing address from privateKey
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
# get an existing address from a publicKey
address = pw.Address(publicKey=“EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL”)
# get an address from a seed with a different nonce (This is especially useful for accessing addresses generated by nodes)
myAddress = pw.Address(seed='seven wrist bargain hope pattern banner plastic maple student chaos grit next space visa answer', nonce=1)
import pyamur as pw
myAddress = pw.Address('3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh')
# get Amur balance
print("Your balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance())
# get Amur balance after 20 confirmations
print("Your balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance(confirmations = 20))
# get an asset balance
print("Your asset balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance('DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J'))
import pyamur as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
# send Amur to another address
myAddress.sendAmur(recipient = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM'),
amount = 100000000)
# send asset to another address
myToken = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
myAddress.sendAsset(recipient = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM'),
asset = myToken,
amount = 1000)
import pyamur as pw
myToken = myAddress.issueAsset( name = "MyToken",
description = "This is my first token",
quantity = 1000000,
decimals = 2 )
import pyamur as pw
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'testnet')
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
import pyamur as pw
recipients = ['3PBbp6bg2YEnHfdJtYM7jzzXYQeb7sx5oFg',
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = "CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S")
for address in recipients:
myAddress.sendAmur(pw.Address(address), 1000000)
import pyamur as pw
transfers = [
{ 'recipient': '3N1xca2DY8AEwqRDAJpzUgY99eq8J9h4rB3', 'amount': 1 },
{ 'recipient': '3N3YWbQ27NnK7tek6ASFh38Bj93guLxxSi1', 'amount': 2 },
{ 'recipient': '3MwiB5UkWxt4X1qJ8DQpP2LpM3m48V1z5rC', 'amount': 3 }
address = pw.Address(privateKey = "CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S")
import pyamur as pw
transfers = [
{ 'recipient': '3N1xca2DY8AEwqRDAJpzUgY99eq8J9h4rB3', 'amount': 1 },
{ 'recipient': '3N3YWbQ27NnK7tek6ASFh38Bj93guLxxSi1', 'amount': 2 },
{ 'recipient': '3MwiB5UkWxt4X1qJ8DQpP2LpM3m48V1z5rC', 'amount': 3 }
address = pw.Address(privateKey = "CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S")
address.massTransferAssets(transfers, pw.Asset('9DtBNdyBCyViLZHptyF1HbQk73F6s7nQ5dXhNHubtBhd'))
import pyamur as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = '`')
myToken = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
amount = 1000
with open('recipients.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for address in lines:
myAddress.sendAsset(pw.Address(address.strip()), myToken, amount)
import pyamur as pw
# set Matcher node to use
pw.setMatcher(node = '')
# post a buy order
BTC = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
USD = pw.Asset('6wuo2hTaDyPQVceETj1fc5p4WoMVCGMYNASN8ym4BGiL')
BTC_USD = pw.AssetPair(BTC, USD)
myOrder = = BTC_USD, amount = 15e8, price = 95075)
# post a sell order
WCT = pw.Asset('6wuo2hTaDyPQVceETj1fc5p4WoMVCGMYNASN8ym4BGiL')
Incent = pw.Asset('FLbGXzrpqkvucZqsHDcNxePTkh2ChmEi4GdBfDRRJVof')
WCT_Incent = pw.AssetPair(WCT, Incent)
myOrder = myAddress.sell(assetPair = WCT_Incent, amount = 100e8, price = 25e8)
# post a buy order using Amur as price asset
BTC = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
BTC_AMUR = pw.AssetPair(BTC, pw.AMUR)
myOrder = = BTC_AMUR, amount = 1e8, price = 50e8)
# cancel an order
# or
myAddress.cancelOrder(assetPair, myOrder)
import pyamur as pw
# set the asset pair
AMUR_BTC = pw.AssetPair(pw.AMUR, pw.BTC)
# get last price and volume
print("%s %s" % (AMUR_BTC.last(), AMUR_BTC.volume()))
# get ticker
ticker = AMUR_BTC.ticker()
# get last 10 trades
trades = AMUR_BTC.trades(10)
for t in trades:
print("%s %s %s %s" % (t['buyer'], t['seller'], t['price'], t['amount']))
# get last 10 daily OHLCV candles
ohlcv = AMUR_BTC.candles(1440, 10)
for t in ohlcv:
print("%s %s %s %s %s" % (t['open'], t['high'], t['low'], t['close'], t['volume']))
import pyamur as pw
# connect to a local testnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'testnet')
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = 'CsBpQpNE3Z1THNMS9vJPaXqYwN9Hgmhd9AsAPrM3tiuJ')
minerAddress = pw.Address('3NBThmVJmcexzJ9itP9KiiC2K6qnGQwpqMq')
# lease 1000 Amur to minerAddress
leaseId =, 100000000000)
# revoke the lease
>>> import pyamur as pw
>>> pw.Address('3P31zvGdh6ai6JK6zZ18TjYzJsa1B83YPoj')
address = 3P31zvGdh6ai6JK6zZ18TjYzJsa1B83YPoj
publicKey =
privateKey =
seed =
Amur = 1186077288304570
BDMRyZsmDZpgKhdM7fUTknKcUbVVkDpMcqEj31PUzjMy (Tokes) = 43570656915
RRBqh2XxcwAdLYEdSickM589Vb4RCemBCPH5mJaWhU9 (Ripto Bux) = 4938300000000
4rmhfoscYcjz1imNDvtz45doouvrQqDpbX7xdfLB4guF (incentCoffee) = 7
Ftim86CXM6hANxArJXZs2Fq7XLs3nJvgBzzEwQWwQn6N (Amur) = 2117290600000000
E4ip4jzTc4PCvebYn1818T4LNoYBVL3Y4Y4dMPatGwa9 (BitCoin) = 500000000000
FLbGXzrpqkvucZqsHDcNxePTkh2ChmEi4GdBfDRRJVof (Incent) = 12302659925430
GQr2fpkfmWjMaZCbqMxefbiwgvpcNgYdev7xpuX6xqcE (KISS) = 1000
DxG3PLganyNzajHGzvWLjc4P3T2CpkBGxY4J9eJAAUPw (UltraCoin) = 200000000000000
4eWBPyY4XNPsFLoQK3iuVUfamqKLDu5o6zQCYyp9d8Ae (LIKE) = 1000
>>> import pyamur as pw
>>> pw.Address()
address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
privateKey = CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S
seed = seven wrist bargain hope pattern banner plastic maple student chaos grit next space visa answer
Amur = 0
>>> import pyamur as pw
>>> pw.Asset('DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J')
status = Issued
assetId = DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J
issuer = 3PPKF2pH4KMYgsDixjrhnWrPycVHr1Ye37V
name = AmurCommunity
description = Amur community token.
quantity = 1000000000
decimals = 2
reissuable = False
>>> myOrder =, token2), 1, 25)
>>> myOrder
status = Accepted
id = ARZdYgfXz3ksRMvhnGeLLJnn3CQnz7RCa7U6dVw3zert
asset1 = AFzL992FQbhcgSZGKDKAiRWcjtthM55yVCE99hwbHf88
asset2 = 49Aha2RR2eunR3KZFwedfdi7K9v5MLQbLYcmVdp2QkZT
sender.address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
sender.publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
matcher =
>>> myOrder.cancel()
>>> myOrder
status = Cancelled
id = ARZdYgfXz3ksRMvhnGeLLJnn3CQnz7RCa7U6dVw3zert
asset1 = AFzL992FQbhcgSZGKDKAiRWcjtthM55yVCE99hwbHf88
asset2 = 49Aha2RR2eunR3KZFwedfdi7K9v5MLQbLYcmVdp2QkZT
sender.address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
sender.publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
matcher =
>>> import pyamur as pw
>>> pw.setOffline()
>>> myAddress=pw.Address(privateKey="F2jVbjrKzjUsZ1AQRdnd8MmxFc85NQz5jwvZX4BXswXv")
>>> recipient=pw.Address("3P8Ya6Ary5gzwnzbBXDp3xjeNG97JEiPcdA")
# sign a future tx to transfer 100 AMUR to recipient
# the tx is valid on Jan 1st, 2020 12:00pm
>>> myAddress.sendAmur(recipient, amount=100e8, timestamp=1577880000000)
{'api-endpoint': '/assets/broadcast/transfer',
'api-type': 'POST',
'api-data': '{"fee": 100000,
"timestamp": 1577880000000,
"senderPublicKey": "27zdzBa1q46RCMamZ8gw2xrTGypZnbzXs5J1Y2HbUmEv",
"amount": 10000000000,
"attachment": "",
"recipient": "3P8Ya6Ary5gzwnzbBXDp3xjeNG97JEiPcdA"
"signature": "YetPopTJWC4WBPXbneWv9g6YEp6J9g9rquZWjewjdQnFbmaxtXjrRsUu69NZzHebVzUGLrhQiFFoguXJwdUn8BH"}'}
>>> import pyamur as pw
>>> pw.setOffline()
>>> myAddress=pw.Address(privateKey="F2jVbjrKzjUsZ1AQRdnd8MmxFc85NQz5jwvZX4BXswXv")
# generate a lockbox address
>>> lockAddress=pw.Address()
# sign the 'lock' tx to send 100e8 to the lockbox (valid on Nov 1st, 2017)
>>> myAddress.sendAmur(lockAddress, 100e8, timestamp=1509537600000)
{'api-endpoint': '/assets/broadcast/transfer',
'api-type': 'POST',
'api-data': '{"fee": 100000,
"timestamp": 1509537600000,
"senderPublicKey": "27zdzBa1q46RCMamZ8gw2xrTGypZnbzXs5J1Y2HbUmEv",
"amount": 10000000000,
"attachment": "",
"recipient": "3P3UbyQM9W7WzTgjYkLuBrPZZeWsiUtCcpv",
"signature": "5VgT6qWxJwxEyrxFNfsi67QqbyUiGq9Ka7HVzgovRTTDT8nLRyuQv2wBAJQhRiXDkTTV6zsQmHnBkh8keCaFPoNT"}'}
# sign the 'unlock' tx to send funds back to myAddress (valid on Jan 1st, 2020)
>>> lockAddress.sendAmur(myAddress, 100e8-200000, txFee=200000, timestamp=1577880000000)
{'api-endpoint': '/assets/broadcast/transfer',
'api-type': 'POST',
'api-data': '{"fee": 200000,
"timestamp": 1577880000000,
"senderPublicKey": "52XnBGnAVZmw1CHo9aJPiMsVMiTWeNGSNN9aYJ7cDtx4",
"amount": 9999800000,
"attachment": "",
"recipient": "3P7tfdCaTyYCfg5ojxNahEJDSS4MZ7ybXBY",
"signature": "3beyz1sqKefP96LaXWT3CxdPRW86DAxcj6wgWPyyKq3SgdotVqnKyWXDyeHnBzCq1nC7JA9CChTmo1c1iVAv6C4T"}'}
# delete lockbox address and private key
>>> del lockAddress
PyAmur supports both mainnet and testnet chains. By default, PyAmur connects to the mainnet RPC server at It's possible to specify a different server and chain with the setNode() function
import pyamur as pw
# connects to a local testnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'testnet')
# connects to a local mainnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'mainnet')
Code released under the MIT License.