git clone
change ENV variables
bundle install
rake:db create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
foreman start
##### Who Wants to be a Millionr!
Despite the name, this application is not actually the same as the popular gameshow “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. Rather, it’s a quiz game for up to three friends to play together. They play sitting together, off of the same computer. When they start a game, each player is assigned a key, which serves as their buzzer. A question is then shown. The first player to press their buzzer key gets an opportunity to answer. After some number of questions, the game ends and someone is the winner.
###### THE RULES
TDD and Pair-Programming.
CoffeeScript only.
Github for planning.
Mixpanel for analytics.
**Solid Demos** - Rehearse if you need to.
###### 1. Basic functionality.
Questions are plain-text. Answers are multiple-choice.
Build the game for three players only (So there’s no logic necessary for how to handle the game with only two players).
Don’t forget about analytics.
Forget about making it look good.
###### 2. Ship it.
Make it look good.
Deploy it to Heroku. You may not demo off of Localhost for this project.
###### 3. Advanced functionality. Do not start any of these features until the basic functionality and design are solid and the application has been deployed.
Support two or three players - or more, if you want.
Questions should allow for media like photos or videos.
Answers can be either multiple-choice or text.
Add sound effects using the *[Teach Yo Self™](* homework - perhaps for a game ending and a buzzer-press.
Add an admin area where questions/answers can be added. If questions can have media in them, this might mean adding an upload form!