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The goal of SUMnlmr is to allow investigations of potentially non-linear relationships between an exposure and an outcome via a Mendelian randomization framework, without requiring full access to individual level genetic data.

It is based on the existing package for individual data by James Staley: nlmr (available from ).

The core concept is to split the process into two distinct halfs: one requiring individual level data, which is converted into a semi-summarized form (create_nlmr_summary) by dividing the population into strata based on the IV-free exposure. Associations with the exposure and the outcome are estimated in each stratum. In the second half, this semi-summarized form can then be shared, without compromising patient privacy, and investigated seperately using two IV methods: a fractional polynomial method (frac_poly_summ_mr) and a piecewise linear method (piecewise_summ_mr). Both methods calculate a localised causal effect (LACE). The piecewise method fits a continuous piecewise linear function to these estimates, while the fractional polynomial method fits the best 1 or 2 term fractional polynomial.


create_nlmr_summary - prepares individual level data into semi-summarised form, ready to fit nlmr models. fracpoly_summ_mr - this method performs IV analysis using fractional polynomials piecewise_summ_mr - this method performs IV analysis using piecewise linear function


You can install the released version of SUMnlmr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Example 1: Summarizing data

This is a basic example which shows you how to create the semi-summarized data form. First we create some practise data:

## create some data to practise on
test_data<-create_ind_data(N=10000, beta2=2, beta1=1)
# this creates quadratic.Y  = x + 2x^2 + errorY 
#>   g           u      errorX      errorY        X linear.Y quadratic.Y   sqrt.Y
#> 1 0 0.855429126 0.281309187 -0.08097275 3.136738 3.740109    23.41836 2.374454
#> 2 1 0.701815092 0.123178790  3.82412182 3.074994 7.460568    26.37174 6.139140
#> 3 0 0.844505128 0.269158502 -1.22821961 3.113664 2.561048    21.95085 1.211942
#> 4 0 0.894532484 1.062569070 -1.35964713 3.957102 3.313080    34.63039 1.345225
#> 5 1 0.263973312 0.002066912 -0.18735766 2.516040 2.539861    15.20078 1.610024
#> 6 0 0.001373215 0.502596895 -0.39162587 2.503970 2.113443    14.65318 1.191866
#>       log.Y threshold.Y fracpoly.Y
#> 1 1.7465541    3.740109   6.026476
#> 2 5.5088768    7.460568   9.707174
#> 3 0.5831845    2.561048   4.832648
#> 4 0.7314907    3.313080   6.064104
#> 5 0.9465073    2.539861   4.385234
#> 6 0.5273502    2.113443   3.949198

Then we use create_nlmr_summary to summarise it.

## create the summarized form
summ_data<-create_nlmr_summary(y = test_data$quadratic.Y,
                                x = test_data$X,
                                g = test_data$g,
                                covar = NULL,
                                family = "gaussian",
                                strata_method = "residual", 
                                controlsonly = FALSE,
                                q = 10)

#>          bx       by        bxse       byse    xmean     xmin     xmax
#> 1 0.2612326 2.896331 0.005904958 0.08345000 2.481251 2.310319 2.747010
#> 2 0.2663879 3.294415 0.002944422 0.06201941 2.767439 2.545732 2.969957
#> 3 0.2640439 3.553600 0.002562119 0.05966031 2.976237 2.757302 3.251028
#> 4 0.2653565 3.624811 0.002238094 0.05932379 3.138063 2.928119 3.320145
#> 5 0.2591934 3.819073 0.002752244 0.06177890 3.305293 3.093620 3.513066
#> 6 0.2627541 3.941553 0.003134800 0.06980488 3.512222 3.299559 3.720750

If we have co-variants we want to adjust for in our analysis, we need to include them at this stage.

## create the summarized form
summ_covar<-create_nlmr_summary(y = test_data$quadratic.Y,
                                x = test_data$X,
                                g = test_data$g,
                                covar = matrix(data=c(test_data$linear.Y,
                                family = "gaussian",
                                strata_method = "residual", 
                                q = 10)

#>            bx         by         bxse        byse    xmean     xmin     xmax
#> 1 0.015781437 -1.3644384 2.005148e-03 0.287822215 3.559852 2.310319 7.267194
#> 2 0.008905686 -0.6609827 2.640962e-04 0.019734263 3.093493 2.564498 6.009726
#> 3 0.008488032 -0.6495883 1.741300e-04 0.013646519 3.191837 2.768207 3.238514
#> 4 0.008330134 -0.6509645 1.148009e-04 0.009457052 3.385089 2.923985 5.544038
#> 5 0.008205053 -0.6693591 1.003678e-04 0.008945053 3.511726 3.060263 5.304315
#> 6 0.008172195 -0.6866536 8.233542e-05 0.007317054 3.703064 3.195215 5.171403

Note: Because the covariants are included as a matrix, lm cannot detect factor variables and create automatic dummy variables for them. The easiest way to include factor variables is to make these dummy variables by hand instead using the model.matrix command. e.g.

## create a factor
test_data$centre<- as.factor(rbinom(nrow(test_data),4, 0.5))

#turn factor into binary contrasts against first factor
dummies<- model.matrix(~centre,data=test_data)[,2:5]

summ_covar2<-create_nlmr_summary(y = test_data$quadratic.Y,
                                 x = test_data$X,
                                 g = test_data$g,
                                 covar = dummies,
                                 family = "gaussian",
                                 q = 10)

#>          bx       by        bxse       byse    xmean     xmin     xmax
#> 1 0.2625992 2.929787 0.005864756 0.08316279 2.481824 2.310319 2.751725
#> 2 0.2688530 3.327042 0.002966458 0.06167005 2.771374 2.545798 2.991144
#> 3 0.2663097 3.580529 0.002603635 0.05905983 2.971824 2.754185 3.234841
#> 4 0.2641251 3.611746 0.002255262 0.05766441 3.137909 2.928976 3.340057
#> 5 0.2584143 3.793547 0.002753630 0.06212523 3.305805 3.094169 3.534874
#> 6 0.2619501 3.936336 0.003100198 0.06851265 3.512687 3.297890 3.729489

These have used a single genetic variant count, but the method works identically with an genetic score function for g instead. Logistic or cox models in the G-Y relationship can be used by changing the family option - see details in the create_nlmr_summary function description.

It is also possible to implement the doubly-ranked method described in Haodong’s paper

## create the summarized form with the doubly ranked method
summ_ranked<-create_nlmr_summary(y = test_data$quadratic.Y,
                                x = test_data$X,
                                g = test_data$g,
                                covar = matrix(data=c(test_data$linear.Y,
                                family = "gaussian",
                                strata_method = "ranked", 
                                q = 10)

#>             bx          by         bxse        byse    xmean     xmin     xmax
#> 1 0.0004869989 -0.01923869 0.0002690294 0.009948987 2.581953 2.335009 2.972280
#> 2 0.0003377920 -0.01997351 0.0002656399 0.011834028 2.813561 2.449981 3.197579
#> 3 0.0004494079 -0.02682389 0.0002455037 0.012129435 2.994767 2.619846 3.382163
#> 4 0.0005468781 -0.03636720 0.0002573097 0.014348202 3.168038 2.782659 3.568595
#> 5 0.0009189976 -0.06091405 0.0002527573 0.015822903 3.347678 2.930980 3.787111
#> 6 0.0013204857 -0.09580564 0.0002923330 0.020148560 3.545190 3.080969 4.055592

Once your data is in this format, the output data frame is all you need to share to fit the fractional polynomial or piecewise linear models onto the data.

Example 2: Fitting a fractional polynomial model

Your data needs to be in the semi-summarised form as shown above. We can then fit a fractional polynomial model:

model<- with(summ_data$summary, frac_poly_summ_mr(bx=bx,

#> Call: frac_poly_mr
#> Number of individuals: NA; Quantiles: 10; 95%CI: Model based SEs
#> Powers: 2
#> Coefficients:
#>   Estimate Std. Error 95%CI Lower 95%CI Upper   p.value    
#> 2 2.195465   0.014309    2.167419      2.2235 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Non-linearity tests
#> Fractional polynomial degree p-value: 0.0671
#> Fractional polynomial non-linearity p-value: 0
#> Quadratic p-value: 4.23e-78
#> Cochran Q p-value: 0

This also produces a graph of the fit with 95% confidence intervals. This is a ggplot object and can be adjusted with ggplot commands

f <- function(x) (x + 2*x^2 - mean(summ_data$summary$xmean) -
                    2*mean(summ_data$summary$xmean)^2 )

plot1 <- model$figure+ 
  stat_function(fun = f, colour = "green") +
  ggtitle("fractional polynomial fit from semi-summarized data")


There is also p-values provided in p_test and p_het. This is identical to the testing provided by the nlmr package: * fp_d1_d2 : test between the fractional polynomial degrees * fp : fractional polynomial non-linearity test * quad: quadratic test * Q : Cochran Q test and * Q: Cochran Q heterogeneity test * trend: trend test

#>        fp_d1_d2 fp         quad Q
#> [1,] 0.06706764  0 4.233668e-78 0


Example 3: Piecewise linear model

We can instead fit a piecewise linear model to the same summarised data

model2 <-with(summ_data$summary, piecewise_summ_mr(by, bx, byse, bxse, xmean, xmin,xmax, 

#> Call: piecewise_summ_mr
#>  Quantiles: 10; Number of bootstrap
#>       replications: 1000
#> LACE:
#>    Estimate Std. Error 95%CI Lower 95%CI Upper   p.value    
#> 1  11.08718    0.31945    10.44983      11.725 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 2  12.36698    0.23282    11.90098      12.833 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 3  13.45837    0.22595    13.00656      13.910 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 4  13.66015    0.22356    13.20526      14.115 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 5  14.73446    0.23835    14.26379      15.205 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 6  15.00092    0.26567    14.47399      15.528 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 7  16.26836    0.30873    15.64797      16.889 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 8  17.61759    0.42280    16.76284      18.472 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 9  19.73827    0.74605    18.28214      21.194 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> 10 25.60207    5.53377    16.06703      35.137  1.42e-07 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Non-linearity tests
#> Quadratic p-value: 4.23e-78
#> Cochran Q p-value: 0

Again the figure is a ggplot object and can be adjusted similarly.

plot2 <- model2$figure+ 
  stat_function(fun = f, colour = "green") +
  ggtitle("piecewise linear fit from semi-summarized data")


Example 4: Binary outcome

The functions above can also fit binary outcome data, via a generalised linear model.

test_data$y.bin<-stats::rbinom(size=1, p=0.5, n=10000)

# create summ data
summ_bin<-create_nlmr_summary(y = test_data$y.bin,
                                x = test_data$X,
                                g = test_data$g,
                                covar = NULL,
                                family = "binomial",
                                q = 10)

# fit fractional poly model

model3<- with(summ_bin$summary,frac_poly_summ_mr(bx=bx,

#> Call: frac_poly_mr
#> Number of individuals: NA; Quantiles: 10; 95%CI: Model based SEs
#> Powers: -1
#> Coefficients:
#>    Estimate Std. Error 95%CI Lower 95%CI Upper p.value
#> -1  0.75794    1.20972    -1.61311       3.129   0.531
#> Non-linearity tests
#> Fractional polynomial degree p-value: 0.514
#> Fractional polynomial non-linearity p-value: 0.603
#> Quadratic p-value: 0.289
#> Cochran Q p-value: 0.765

Not unsurprisingly, we find no evidence of an effect, causal or otherwise, as the binary outcome was randomly distributed.

If we look instead at the semi-summarised UK Biobank datasets on LDL-cholesterol and CAD, one with and one without covariates. Here we can see a potentially non-linear trend in the univariate data, which becomes a clear linear trend once covariates are included.

# fit piecewise linear model
model4 <-with(LDL_CAD, piecewise_summ_mr(by, bx, byse, bxse, xmean, xmin,xmax, 

#> Call: piecewise_summ_mr
#>  Quantiles: 10; Number of bootstrap
#>       replications: 1000
#> LACE:
#>     Estimate Std. Error 95%CI Lower 95%CI Upper   p.value    
#> 1   0.476044   0.069782    0.357660      0.5944 3.235e-15 ***
#> 2   0.364945   0.073984    0.221357      0.5085 6.307e-07 ***
#> 3   0.312283   0.087353    0.143253      0.4813 0.0002933 ***
#> 4   0.287650   0.097188    0.100267      0.4750 0.0026230 ** 
#> 5   0.152506   0.101876   -0.046648      0.3517 0.1333784    
#> 6   0.141101   0.105261   -0.063092      0.3453 0.1756110    
#> 7   0.127970   0.102092   -0.073201      0.3291 0.2124684    
#> 8   0.189778   0.104199   -0.012174      0.3917 0.0654969 .  
#> 9   0.221003   0.103089    0.013359      0.4286 0.0369692 *  
#> 10  0.237997   0.087287    0.048577      0.4274 0.0137914 *  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Non-linearity tests
#> Quadratic p-value: 0.00317
#> Cochran Q p-value: 0.0631

# fit piecewise linear model
model5 <-with(LDL_CAD_covar,piecewise_summ_mr(by, bx, byse, bxse, xmean, xmin,xmax, 

#> Call: piecewise_summ_mr
#>  Quantiles: 10; Number of bootstrap
#>       replications: 1000
#> LACE:
#>    Estimate Std. Error 95%CI Lower 95%CI Upper   p.value    
#> 1  0.362034   0.073978    0.237073      0.4870 1.359e-08 ***
#> 2  0.295715   0.078955    0.143206      0.4482 0.0001444 ***
#> 3  0.359511   0.091955    0.181675      0.5373 7.423e-05 ***
#> 4  0.215239   0.101457    0.019063      0.4114 0.0315186 *  
#> 5  0.253899   0.106162    0.046393      0.4614 0.0164756 *  
#> 6  0.429836   0.107685    0.220769      0.6389 5.585e-05 ***
#> 7  0.257262   0.106364    0.047407      0.4671 0.0162712 *  
#> 8  0.290755   0.107014    0.083848      0.4977 0.0058822 ** 
#> 9  0.326965   0.105351    0.115532      0.5384 0.0024375 ** 
#> 10 0.349742   0.089001    0.156722      0.5428 0.0003832 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Non-linearity tests
#> Quadratic p-value: 0.959
#> Cochran Q p-value: 0.934


non-linear MR for semi-summarized data






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