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Create your own environment:
# create conda env for retriever
pip install src/retriever/requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
# create conda env for generator
pip install src/generator/requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
code path
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>
By default we set the <percent-of-alignment-data>
as 2%. It is also possible to change it to larger values such as 3,5,10.
denotes the i-th loop in our iterative self-training algorithm. Here it should be set as 1
since it is the first loop of retriever training.
After training, we take the best checkpoint <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
for generate dense embeddings for all English ASIN passages.
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
It takes 3 hours to generate dense Embeddings for 3M English passages on a single machine with 8 x 40GB GPUs.
First, we evaluate our trained model on the test set:
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
Then, we use the same model to retrieve English passages for instances in train and dev set. The retrieved English passages will be used for retrieval-augmented keyphrase generation.
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
For example, we train the retriever with 2% parallel data:
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ 2 1
# assume the best checkpoint is received at epoch 14
./cmd/ 2 1 14
./cmd/ 2 1 14
./cmd/ 2 1 14
code path
First, we need to extract associated keyphrases from retrieved English passages:
cd src/generator/
python ./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
denotes the i-th loop in our iterative self-training algorithm. Here it should be set as 1
since it is the first loop of retriever training.
is the retriever best checkpoint in the above training.
Then, we train the keyphrase generation model on the full dataset:
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_vt/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>
For example, we train the retriever with 2% parallel data:
cd src/generator/
# assume the best checkpoint is received at epoch 14
python ./cmd/ 2 1 14
./cmd/generator_vt/ 2 1
First, we need to train a keyphrase generation baseline without using any retrieved keyphrase knowledge.
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_v0/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>
Here <iteration>
= 0 because it is our generator baseline model (generator_v0).
Taking the best checkpoint of the trained generator model on the alignment data, we do inference on the non-aligned training set:
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_v0/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <best-generator-ckpt>
BTW, if we train it on the full dataset, it will become our mBART baseline:
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_v0/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>
If it is the first iteration (t=1), this step should be skipped since there is no pseudo labelled data generated.
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <previous-iteration> <iteration>
We finetune on the clean (alignment) data based on the best checkpoint <xdpr-best-ckpt-noisy>
received from the pseudo labelled training:
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-noisy>
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
First, we evaluate our trained model on the test set:
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
Then, we use the same model to retrieve English passages for instances in train and dev set. The retrieved English passages will be used for retrieval-augmented keyphrase generation.
cd src/retriever/
./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
First, we need to extract associated keyphrases from retrieved English passages:
cd src/generator/
python ./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
Then, we train the keyphrase generation model on the aligned dataset:
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_vt/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>
Taking the best checkpoint of the trained generator model on the alignment data, we do inference on the non-aligned training set:
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_vt/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <best-generator-ckpt>
cd src/generator/
python ./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
Then we need to add json path of the generated pseudo labells into src/retriever/conf/datasets/kp_xdpr.yaml
by creating the following entry:
file: "path/to/pseudo_label.json"
and <iteration>
should be replaced by real values.
Assume we do iterative self-training with 2% alignment data:
# train keyphrase generation baseline (G_0)
cd src/generator/
./cmd/generator_v0/ 2 0
# assump the best checkpoint is received at step 260
./cmd/generator_v0/ 2 0 260
# Iterative Self-Training. At the iteration t (t = 1, 2, 3 ...):
cd src/retriever/
# If it is the first iteration (t=1), this step should be skipped since there is no pseudo labelled data generated.
./cmd/ 2 t-1 t
# assume the best checkpoint in the noisy data training is received at epoch 12
./cmd/ 2 t 12
# assume the best checkpoint in the clean data training is received at epoch 14
./cmd/ 2 t 14
./cmd/ 2 t 14
./cmd/ 2 t 14
cd src/generator/
python ./cmd/ 2 t 14
./cmd/generator_vt/ 2 t
# assume the best checkpoint in the generation training is received at step 260
./cmd/generator_vt/ 2 t 260
python ./cmd/ 2 t 14
# Then we need to add json path of the generated pseudo labells into `src/retriever/conf/datasets/kp_xdpr.yaml`
# and we can continue to the next iteration (t+1) until there is no improvement for the retrieval recall
After N iterations of retriever self-training, we may find more iterations may not bring improvements on the retrieval recall.
At this point, we train the full retrieval-augmented keyphrase generation model taking the lastest retriever:
cd src/generator/
python ./cmd/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration> <xdpr-best-ckpt-clean>
./cmd/generator_vt/ <percent-of-alignment-data> <iteration>