I created this web app as a project for the bootcamp I started a few months ago. I learned A LOT doing it (both about software development and about myself) which is why I enjoyed the process so much. Feel free to wander around the repo, and contact me on LinkedIn if you have any questions!
Note: I have deployed it using Vercel, but I also included instructions in case you want to clone the project and run it locally on your computer :)
The purpose of this app is to provide users with information about every country in the world (fetched from the external API restcountries), as well as allow them to:
- Search for countries,
- filter and sort them using different criteria, and
- create touristic activities in each country.
These are the technologies and languages I used to make this app come to life:
- React,
- Redux, and
- CSS Modules
- JavaScript,
- NodeJS, and
- Express
- PostgreSQL, and
- Sequelize.
IMPORTANT: In order to run this project locally, you'll need the latest stable version of Node and NPM. Please make sure you do before installing the dependencies.
By the time I finished it (August, 2021), I was using these versions:
- Node: 12.18.3
- NPM: 6.14.16
To check your current version run these commands:
node -v
npm -v
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository on your computer
- cd into the /api directory and run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
This will start the server on your localhost:3001
- cd back into the root directory.
- cd into the /client directory and run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
This will run your app on your localhost:3000