ADTF3175D - Release v4.2.0
Release 4.2.0 of the Analog Device Time of Flight Sensor and Depth ISP evaluation package. Please see the Getting Start guide for details on what is in this release.
Note, this release uses ADSD3500 firmware version 4.2.4.
Windows 10/11
SHA256 of TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel4.2.0_EVAL.exe: 57346364A8FD57C7058EE236937AB060767F8A40518E282554E95E742F347C46
- Download TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel4.2.0_EVAL.exe
- Run TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel4.2.0_EVAL.exe to install
- Accept the License
Visit here for more details.
See here for more details on updating the system. Please note, the firmware must be updated. as well.
Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04
SHA256 of 975346B58CFAA809789741E5E624678FE4293786F985E78421D0A39CA8411476
A) Steps To Install OpenCL Runtime:
Download OpencL runtime for ubuntu from the below link:
Extract file by tar -xvf
Open terminal, cd ./ and run
Follow the on-screen instructions to install OpenCL runtime.
Once OpenCL runtime is installed a message saying : Thank you for installing Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications xx.x.
B) Steps To install ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D:
Copy to the Ubuntu PC version 22.04 or 20.04
Give executable permissions by running chmod +x and run it.
Accept the license.
ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x will be installed at path ~/Analog\ Devices.
Note: There are 2 bin folders bin_22.04 and bin_20.04. Use it based on Ubuntu version.
C) Steps to Download latest image:
Once ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D package is installed the cd ~/Analog\ Devices/ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x/image.
Now run chmod +x and ./
Latest image will be downloaded at ./image path as Extract this folder using unzip command.
This folder contains the NXP image, depth compute library installers and ADSD3500 firmware.
Program the SD card with latest NXP image, update firmware on the module to latest version and choose depth compute libraries based on your needs. By default, the depth compute libraries at ./bin_xx.xx are OpenCL CPU.
Once everything is setup run ./software_check at path ./bin_xx.xx and it should not show any miss matches.
Steps to update ADSD3500 Firmware:
Once ToF_Evaluation kit is installed, and latest firmware is downloaded follow below steps to update firmware.
A) To update firmware using data_collect, See here.
B) To Update firmware using the executables on NXP:
Copy Fw_update_a.b.c.bin from ./Analog\ Devices/ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x/images/ to ~/Workspace/Tools/Firmware_update_utility
Login to NXP and CD to path ~/Workspace/Tools/Firmware_update_utility
Run command sudo ./Firmware_Update Fw_update_a.b.c.bin.
Once Firmware Update is successfull, the process will return 0E as status.
Now reset adsd3500 to run latest firmware.