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LightningJS Snippets

This repository contains a collection of LightningJS code snippets for Visual Studio Code, designed to enhance your productivity while developing LightningJS components.

Snippets Demo


Snippets Prefix
LightningJS Component ljscomponent, !comp
LightningJS Static States ljsstates, !states
FireAncestor Function ljsfireancestor, !ancestor
LightningJS Tag Function ljstag, !tag
LightningJS Image Object ljsimage, !img
LightningJS Text Object ljstext, !txt
LightningJS Animation Sequence ljssequence, !seq
LightningJS Signal Handler ljssignalhandler, !signal
LightningJS SetState Function ljssetstate, !setstate
LightningJS Patch Method ljspatch, !patch
LightningJS GetFocused Method ljsgetfocused, !getfocus
LightningJS Focus ljsfocus, !focus
LightningJS UnFocus ljsunfocus, !unfocus
LightningJS handleEnter Method ljshandleenter, !enter
LightningJS handleBack Method ljshandleback, !back
LightningJS handleLeft Method ljshandleleft, !left
LightningJS handleRight Method ljshandleright, !right
LightningJS handleUp Method ljshandleup, !up
LightningJS handleDown Method ljshandledown, !down
LightningJS handleAppClose Method ljshandleappclose, !appclose
LightningJS RouterNavigate Method ljsrouternavigate, !nav
LightningJS Capture Key Event ljscapturekeyevent, !keyevent
LightningJS Rectangle Default ljsrectangle, !rect
LightningJS Rectangle with Color ljsrectangecolor, !rctcolor
LightningJS Rectangle with Gradient (Top to Bottom) ljsrectgradtb, !rctgradtb
LightningJS Rectangle with Gradient (Left to Right) ljsrectgradlr, !rctgradlr
LightningJS Rectangle with Gradient (Diagonal) ljsrectgraddiag, !rctgraddiag
LightningJS Rectangle with Gradient (Diagonal, Mixed Colors) ljsrectgraddiagmix, !rctgraddiagmix
LightningJS Round Rectangle ljsroundrect, !roundrect
LightningJS Shadow ljsshadow, !shadow
LightningJS SVG ljssvg, !svg
LightningJS Fade Out ljsfadeout, !fadeout
LightningJS Hole ljshole, !hole
LightningJS Inversion ljsinversion, !invert
LightningJS Light 3D ljslight3d, !light3d
LightningJS Magnifier ljsmagnifier, !magnifier
Perspective ljsperspective, !perspectiveshader
Pixelate ljspixelate, !pixelateshader
Radial Gradient ljsradialgradient, !radialshader
Rounded Rectangle ljsroundedrect, !roundedrectshader
Spinner2 ljsspinner2, !spinner2shader
Vintage ljsvintage, !vintageshader
_construct ljsconstruct, !construct
_build ljsbuild, !build
_setup ljssetup, !setup
_init ljsinit, !init
_attach ljsattach, !attach
_detach ljsdetach, !detach
_firstEnable ljsfirstenable, !firstenable
_enable ljsenable, !enable
_disable ljsdisable, !disable
_firstActive ljsfirstactive, !firstactive
_active ljsactive, !active
_inactive ljsinactive, !inactive
txLoaded ljstxloaded, !txloaded
txError ljstxerror, !txerror
txUnloaded ljstxunloaded, !txunloaded
Storage.set ljsstorage.set, !storageset
Storage.get ljsstorage.get, !storageget
Storage.remove ljsstorage.remove, !storageremove
Storage.clear ljsstorage.clear, !storageclear
Utils.asset ljsutils.asset, !utilsasset
Application on ljsapplication.on, !applicationon
Application emit ljsapplication.emit, !applicationemit
List ljslist, !list


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