A simple GUI app to visualize how HanoiTower solving algorithm is working
- It can be invoked manually by adding all the steps:
public static void main(String[] args) {
HanoiGame game = new HanoiGame(4);
game.addStep(0, 1);
game.addStep(0, 2);
game.addStep(1, 2);
game.addStep(0, 1);
game.addStep(2, 0);
game.addStep(2, 1);
game.addStep(0, 1);
game.addStep(0, 2);
- Or it can be invoked by your own algorithm which which calculate required steps:
public static void main(String[] args) {
HanoiGame game = new HanoiGame(4);
solveHanoi(game, 4, 0, 1, 2);
public static void solveHanoi(HanoiGame game, int n, int start, int aux, int end){
if(n == 1){
game.addStep(start, end);
solveHanoi(game, n - 1, start, end, aux);
game.addStep(start, end);
solveHanoi(game, n - 1, aux, start, end);