Overview : RESTful API for tracking expenses. A RESTful API created using Spring Boot. We have used PostgreSQL as the relational database and JdbcTemplate to interact with that. Apart from this, I have used JSON Web Token (JWT) to add authorization. Using JWT, we can protect certain endpoints and ensure that user must be logged-in to access those.
Using this API , clients can create expense categories and add/remove/update transactions for each of the categories separately. It supports features like total expense record for each categories and searching for categories as well.
Tech Stack Used :
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Maven (build tool)
- PostgreSQL
Setup and Installation
Clone the repo from GitHub: git clone git@github.com:anchal00/Expense-Tracker-API.git
cd expense-tracker-api
Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed on your system.
Create database schema
Use postgres.sql file under expense-tracker-api/Database/, for creating all database objects
run the script using psql client: psql -U postgres --file postgres.sql
Note: If your database is hosted at some cloud platform or if you have modified the SQL script file with some different username and password, update the src/main/resources/application.properties file accordingly:
Run the spring boot application ./mvnw spring-boot:run
The server will run on port 8080 and hence all enpoints can be accessed starting from http://localhost:8080