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Turn WaveDrom timing diagrams into ASCII art


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asciiwave: WaveDrom to ASCII art

This utility reads WaveDrom JSON files like this:

{ signal: [
  { name: "clk",  wave: "P......" },
  { name: "bus",  wave: "x.==.=x", data: ["head", "body", "tail", "data"] },
  { name: "wire", wave: "0.1..0." }

And produces ASCII art like this:

$ ./asciiwave example/step3.json
      ┏──┐  ┏──┐  ┏──┐  ┏──┐  ┏──┐  ┏──┐  ┏──┐  
clk : ┛  └──┛  └──┛  └──┛  └──┛  └──┛  └──┛  └──
      xxxxxxxxxxxx╱    ╲╱          ╲╱    ╲xxxxxx
bus : xxxxxxxxxxxx╲head╱╲   body   ╱╲tail╱xxxxxx
      ┐           ┌─────────────────┐           
wire: └───────────┘                 └───────────

WaveDrom would usually render a PNG or SVG like the below:

However, PNGs can not be pasted into comments in your HDL project!

asciiwave requires the json5 library from PyPI, as a lot of WaveJSON samples floating around on the internet rely on non-vanilla-JSON features like unquoted keys, single-quoted strings and trailing commas. The jsonschema library is also required, for input validation. These can be obtained via:

$ pip3 install json5 jsonschema

asciiwave features a watch mode (-w), which will continously poll a file on disk, and redraw whenever the file changes. This can be used interactively alongside a text editor.

$ ./asciiwave --watch example/step4.json

             ┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┆┌──┐  ┌──┐  ┌──┐  
clk        : ┘  └──┘  └──┘  └──┘  └──┘  └──┘  └──┆┘  └──┘  └──┘  └──
             xxxxxxxxxxxx╱    ╲╱    ╲╱    ╲xxxxxx┆╱          ╲xxxxxx
Data       : xxxxxxxxxxxx╲head╱╲body╱╲tail╱xxxxxx┆╲   data   ╱xxxxxx
             ┐           ┌─────────────────┐     ┆┌───────────┐     
Request    : └───────────┘                 └─────┆┘           └─────

             ┌───────────────────────────────────┆┐     ┌───────────
Acknowledge: ┘                                   ┆└─────┘           

Watching file example/step4.json
Ctrl-C to exit

There are simple command-line options for formatting:

$ ./asciiwave --hscale=4 --graphics=tall example/step4.json
             ┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┆┌────┐    ┌────┐    ┌────┐    
             │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    ┆│    │    │    │    │    │    
clk        : ┘    └────┘    └────┘    └────┘    └────┘    └────┘    └────┆┘    └────┘    └────┘    └────
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx╱        ╲╱        ╲╱        ╲xxxxxxxxxx┆╱                  ╲xxxxxxxxxx
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   head      body      tail   xxxxxxxxxx┆        data        xxxxxxxxxx
Data       : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx╲        ╱╲        ╱╲        ╱xxxxxxxxxx┆╲                  ╱xxxxxxxxxx
             ┐                   ┌─────────────────────────────┐         ┆┌───────────────────┐         
             │                   │                             │         ┆│                   │         
Request    : └───────────────────┘                             └─────────┆┘                   └─────────

             ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┆┐         ┌───────────────────
             │                                                           ┆│         │                   
Acknowledge: ┘                                                           ┆└─────────┘                   

$ ./asciiwave --hscale=1 --graphics=tiny example/step4.json
clk        : ┌─┐_┌─┐_┌─┐_┌─┐_┌─┐_┌─┐_┆┌─┐_┌─┐_┌─┐_
Data       : xxxxxxxx<he><bo><ta>xxxx┆< data >xxxx
Request    : ┐_______┌───────────┐___┆┌───────┐___

Acknowledge: ┌───────────────────────┆┐___┌───────

WaveJSON Subset

asciiwave does not implement the full gamut of WaveJSON features. It supports:

  • wave commands: 1hHu 0lLd pPnN =2345 zx |
  • The hscale config property: the width of each time unit is hscale * 2 + 2 characters. This is overridden by the --hscale command line parameter.
  • The period signal property: this can be a floating point number. The width of each wave time unit is multiplied by period and rounded down.
  • The phase signal property: this can be a floating point number. The signal is advanced (positive) or retarded (negative) by this number of periods.
  • The data signal property: either an array of strings, or a single string containing whitespace-separated values.


asciiwave defines its graphics like this:

graphics_default = [
  "0+1-rfxz< >|UuDd",
  " ┌─┐┏┓x_╱ ╲┆╭┄  ",
  "─┘ └┛┗x ╲ ╱┆  ╰┄"

The first line is a key which maps asciiwave's internal representation of wire state to columns of the graphics; the following lines contain the actual graphics. These can be modified if you can't use the Unicode box drawing characters, or have found better-looking characters.

The height is not fixed at 2 lines; any positive number of lines will do. However, the width of each wire state is limited to one column, to simplify rendering (this will be fixed)


Turn WaveDrom timing diagrams into ASCII art







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