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All projects developed at 42 São Paulo

Feedback is welcome! Contact me for any info.

Common Core

Project Description Topics
Basecamp Basecamp is a 3-weeks introduction to the 42 curriculum. Unix Shell Git C Makefile Algorithm & AI Rigor
Libft The libft project at 42, C library regrouping usual functions. Makefile unix logic linked-list
get_next_line Function which returns a line read from a file descriptor. Buffer management unix logic
ft_printf Library that contains ft_printf, function that mimic the real printf. stdarg unix logic
Born2beroot Project to learn about system administration. system administration network debian
so_long A very small 2D game. It is built to work with textures, sprites. And some very basic gameplay elements. mlx 2d game
minitalk Program that can be used to send signals between two processes. signal unix logic
pipex Redirection and pipe behavior using C pipe unix logic
push_swap Sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. merge-sort linked-list
minishell Simple shell using C (As beautiful as a shell). bash pipe unix logic
philosophers Dining philosophers problem using threads and mutex in C. threads mutex
Net_Practice General practical exercise to discover networking. network system administration
miniRT My first RayTracer with miniLibX. mlx ray trace
CPP Module 00 Introduction to C++ Namespaces, classes, member functions, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const.
CPP Module 01 Introduction to C++ Memory allocation, reference, pointers to members and the usage of the switch in CPP.
CPP Module 02 Introduction to C++ Polymorphism, overloads and orthodox canonical classes in CPP.
CPP Module 03 Introduction to C++ Inheritance in CPP.
CPP Module 04 Introduction to C++ Subtype polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces in CPP.
CPP Module 05 Introduction to C++ Try/Catch and Exceptions in CPP.
CPP Module 06 Introduction to C++ Casting ( Static, Dynamic and Reinterpret ).
CPP Module 07 Introduction to C++ Templates.
CPP Module 08 Introduction to C++ Templates and Containers.
CPP Module 09 Introduction to C++ Containers and Iterators.
ft_containers C++ Containers Recreating the STL containers (Vector, Map, Stack).
inception Docker Dockerfile, Docker-compose, Docker-machine.
ft_webserver Webserver HTTP, CGI, Sockets

Graphical projects using the mlx library

Project Description Topics
mlx-piano A piano made with the mlx and miniaudio library. mlx miniaudio X-Window
mlx-capivara A capivara that follows the mouse. mlx X-Window
so_long A very small 2D game. It is built to work with textures, sprites. And some very basic gameplay elements. mlx 2d game
miniRT My first RayTracer with miniLibX. mlx ray trace

Web projects

Project Description Topics
ft-transcedence A multiplayer game where you can play pong against other players. Docker Websockets Nginx PostgreSQL React Typescript NodeJS JWT

Extra projects

Project Description Topics
avengers-api API Rest Using Data From Marvel Avengers Comic Book . API C JSON REST mongoose mariadb docker

Java projects

Project Description Topics
avaj-launcher Java project using UML, design patterns, and file I/O operations. Java, UML, Design Patterns, File I/O

*Project template inspired by denisgodoy - 42-cursus