Feedback is welcome! Contact me for any info.
Project | Description | Topics |
Basecamp | Basecamp is a 3-weeks introduction to the 42 curriculum. | Unix Shell Git C Makefile Algorithm & AI Rigor |
Libft | The libft project at 42, C library regrouping usual functions. | Makefile unix logic linked-list |
get_next_line | Function which returns a line read from a file descriptor. | Buffer management unix logic |
ft_printf | Library that contains ft_printf, function that mimic the real printf. | stdarg unix logic |
Born2beroot | Project to learn about system administration. | system administration network debian |
so_long | A very small 2D game. It is built to work with textures, sprites. And some very basic gameplay elements. | mlx 2d game |
minitalk | Program that can be used to send signals between two processes. | signal unix logic |
pipex | Redirection and pipe behavior using C | pipe unix logic |
push_swap | Sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. | merge-sort linked-list |
minishell | Simple shell using C (As beautiful as a shell). | bash pipe unix logic |
philosophers | Dining philosophers problem using threads and mutex in C. | threads mutex |
Net_Practice | General practical exercise to discover networking. | network system administration |
miniRT | My first RayTracer with miniLibX. | mlx ray trace |
CPP Module 00 | Introduction to C++ | Namespaces, classes, member functions, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const. |
CPP Module 01 | Introduction to C++ | Memory allocation, reference, pointers to members and the usage of the switch in CPP. |
CPP Module 02 | Introduction to C++ | Polymorphism, overloads and orthodox canonical classes in CPP. |
CPP Module 03 | Introduction to C++ | Inheritance in CPP. |
CPP Module 04 | Introduction to C++ | Subtype polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces in CPP. |
CPP Module 05 | Introduction to C++ | Try/Catch and Exceptions in CPP. |
CPP Module 06 | Introduction to C++ | Casting ( Static, Dynamic and Reinterpret ). |
CPP Module 07 | Introduction to C++ | Templates. |
CPP Module 08 | Introduction to C++ | Templates and Containers. |
CPP Module 09 | Introduction to C++ | Containers and Iterators. |
ft_containers | C++ Containers | Recreating the STL containers (Vector, Map, Stack). |
inception | Docker | Dockerfile, Docker-compose, Docker-machine. |
ft_webserver | Webserver | HTTP, CGI, Sockets |
Graphical projects using the mlx library
Project | Description | Topics |
mlx-piano | A piano made with the mlx and miniaudio library. | mlx miniaudio X-Window |
mlx-capivara | A capivara that follows the mouse. | mlx X-Window |
so_long | A very small 2D game. It is built to work with textures, sprites. And some very basic gameplay elements. | mlx 2d game |
miniRT | My first RayTracer with miniLibX. | mlx ray trace |
Project | Description | Topics |
ft-transcedence | A multiplayer game where you can play pong against other players. | Docker Websockets Nginx PostgreSQL React Typescript NodeJS JWT |
Project | Description | Topics |
avengers-api | API Rest Using Data From Marvel Avengers Comic Book . | API C JSON REST mongoose mariadb docker |
Project | Description | Topics |
avaj-launcher | Java project using UML, design patterns, and file I/O operations. | Java, UML, Design Patterns, File I/O |
*Project template inspired by denisgodoy - 42-cursus