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Play against MegaBot

Anderson edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

You are welcome to play against MegaBot. Please tell us your impressions about it :). You can do that by leaving a comment at current release commit page. You must be logged into github to comment. You can also leave a comment at Broodwar AI's Facebook page.

To set up a match, please follow the instructions below. If you have any problem, please open an issue (that requires github registration).


  • StarCraft patched to 1.16.1
  • BWAPI 3.7.4


  • Follow BWAPI 3.7.4 installation instructions from here
  • Open <starcraft>\bwapi-data and execute (double-click) Multiple Instance Hack.bat, where is the directory where you installed StarCraft

Preparing MegaBot

  • Download from

  • Extract all the content to /bwapi-data/AI/, where is the directory where you installed StarCraft

  • Open the file <starcraft>/bwapi-data/bwapi.ini

  • Put your ai entry like this: ai = bwapi-data\AI\MegaBot.dll,NULL

  • Save and close.

Executing the Match

  • Open ChaosLauncher (BWAPI icon in your desktop)
  • On Settings tab, uncheck 'Minimize when running StarCraft' and click OK
  • Go to Plugins tab
  • Check only two boxes: BWAPI 1.16.1 Injector (RELEASE) and W-MODE
  • On the drop-down list on the side of 'Start' button, select 'StarCraft 1.16.1 Multi-instance'
  • Click 'Start'. The game will start in a window.
  • Configure a Multiplayer match: Multiplayer -> Expansion -> Local PC.
  • Create an ID for MegaBot: On ID selection screen, click New and name it MegaBot. Select it and click OK.
  • Create a game in the map of your choice. Select Protoss race as this is the race of MegaBot.
  • Now, go back to ChaosLauncher, uncheck 'W-MODE' and hit 'Start' again. Another instance of StarCraft should open (this time fullscreen).
  • Join the game you created (Multiplayer -> Expansion -> Local PC). Select an ID other than MegaBot.
  • Select the race of your preference.
  • Go back to the first instance of StarCraft (alt+tab) and hit OK to start the game
  • Go to the second instance again and enjoy the game!
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