Collection of personal dev tools, development workflow improvements, convenience scripts, code snippets, templates, guides, manuals, and utilities.
Centers around Javascript (both client-side and NodeJS), Ruby, and Bash, along with with quite a bit of Clojure, (S)CSS, HTML, and SQL. Apparently this makes me a hipster dev (I prefer the term "alpha geek", but haters gonna hate). Also has some stuff on Python and Java (Android), and touches on Common Lisp.
- Huge collection of Sublime snippets
- including "meta-snippets" for writing snippets
- Terminal-accessible "manuals" for quick reference (without leaving the command line)
- Collection of mini-guides & example sets for several languages, frameworks, and tools
- ...along with a few "toy" projects demonstrating and prototyping certain concepts, features, and tools.
- Variety of free programming books in PDF form
- Convenience scripts (see below)
- Development environment setup tools and plugins
- including some locally stored vim plugins
- certain user-level configuration files such as .pryrc, .rubocop.yml, .irbrc, .npmrc, .vimrc, etc. (with all sensitive information removed and declared outside this repo)
- setting up new development environments on new machines.
- starting new projects of various types
- performing common system chores (lots of Rake, standalone Ruby, and bash scripts in here)
- relatedly, simplifying tedious command line tasks
- also relatedly, declaring command line aliases
- handling certain database operations
- manipulating Android location data via telnet
- etc.
This is a large, messy dumping ground that helps keep my dev environment synced across all machines I work off of.