Simple WIP space 'shooting' and board flipping game.
Built (and being built) to act as a template for future React applications written in Typescript along with a wide variety of tools in the React ecosystem. This application has the following wired in (or intended for wiring in in the near future):
- primary language: Typescript
- package management: npm
- type definition handling: typings
- frontend UI library: ReactJS
- frontend data store: Redux (todo: requires wiring in)
- frontend asset bundler and build orchestrator: Webpack
- transpiler: Babel (along with Typescript itself)
- Babel used to acquire extra es6 featuers in Typescript
- css preprocessor: postcss & a wide variety of plugins (todo: finish wiring in remaining plugins of interest)
- HTML templating: Handlebars
- task runner: npm, along with Bash
- an active choice: after working with Gulp for over 2 years, I've come to the conclusion that it's mostly, and often overcomplicates things that are simple when done in shell scripts
- backend database: postgres (still requires wiring into the app)
- frontend dev server: webpack-dev-server
- full-stack dev server: ExpressJS (not yet wired in - webpack-dev-server is covering all current needs)
- intended deployment target: Heroku (not yet deployed)
- linter: eslint
- utility libraries:
- jquery (minimally used, may be removed in the near future)
- lodash (extensively used)
- frontend unit testing: enzyme (requires integrating)
- system testing: Mocha (requires wiring in)
- Assertion library: Chai (requires wiring in)
- Component libraries (so far): Bootstrap (minimally used)