🔭 Software Engineer (Frontend) @ Rarible, ex Cazoo, OutSystems | React, Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js | Web Performance | Content Creator | andginja.com.
⚡ Digital Content Creator, City & Travel Photographer with millions of interactions on reels and photos.
📊 Always trying to create concepts, products, digital services.
This personal brand and photography portfolio began as a hobby and has grown into a full-fledged project showcasing my fusion of skills in City & Travel photography and Computer Engineering, with over 20k Instagram followers and millions of interactions. Built using React/Next.js, the website integrates Contentful (a headless CMS) and utilizes ChatGPT for generating niche guides, demonstrating SEO automation optimization. The project follows React best practices, leveraging React Hooks, Custom Hooks, and the Context API. React Query is used for API data fetching and caching. A focus on Web Vitals optimization ensures excellent organic performance and indexing.
This platform serves as a canvas for experimentation, encompassing various aspects of Product, Design, Management, Analytics, and Engineering. It also features fully automated CI/CD pipelines for seamless development and deployment.
Starting in February 2021 as a photographer in the NFT and Cryptocurrency industry, I soon shifted my focus to programming within this space. For over two years, I have worked with Venture Capital NFT projects, specializing in Discord configuration, access management, and custom Discord bot development using Node.js. My bots emphasize Phishing Prevention, Link Checking, and Impersonation Detection, while maintaining high performance and scalability to accommodate the large user base within each community I collaborate with.
This project simulates an E-commerce store using Next.js 13. Users can search and view products, and manage their cart with add/remove functionality. The app integrates with an E-commerce API for product data and cart management. Key features include responsive design, lightbox gallery, and hover states for interactive elements.
Technical Highlights:
- Next.js for a performant framework
- API calls with React Query for caching
- Custom useLocalStorage hook for cart data persistence
- Optimized performance with useCallback
- Styled-components for efficient styling
- Unit testing with Jest
Credits: andginja
Last Edited on: 09/05/2023