DragonCoder's "beautiful" C++
solutions for Advent of Code 2019!
You can find my original solutions in the old
I followed this YT video on How to compile using cmake, I don't have any clues what I am doing. But it works and is fairly easy, so that is good enough :D
I've skipped those challanges:
- Day 10 Part 2: Lazor them Astroids!
... that probably are better than mine :D
- Hax's advent-of-code
- Trojaner's AdventofCode
- derNiklaas' Advent-of-Code
- LeMoonStar's AdventOfCode2019Solutions
- networkException's AdventOfCode
- joblo2213's AdventOfCode2019
- FeldiM's AdventOfCode19
- derkalaender's AdventOfCode
- Daan Breur's AdventOfCode2019
- 1Turtle's crazy Computercraft implementation: AdventOfCode-for-Computercraft