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chore(deps): update dev dependencies (non-major) (#209)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
([source]( |
[`18.2.0` ->
([source]( | [`0.30.1` ->
| [happy-dom]( | [`9.9.2` ->
`9.20.3`]( |
| [rimraf]( | [`5.0.0` ->
`5.0.1`]( |
| [`21.0.1` ->
| [typedoc](
([source]( | [`0.24.6` ->
`0.24.8`]( |
| [typescript](
([source]( | [`5.0.4` ->
`5.1.3`]( |
| [vitest]( | [`0.30.1` ->
`0.32.0`]( |


### Release Notes




#####    🚨 Breaking Changes

- Throw an error, if the module cannot be resolved  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Vitest used to fall back to the original import when it could not
resolve it to the file path or the virtual module. This leads to
hard-to-find module graph mismatches if you had incorrect alias or
relied on relative imports to be resolved to the project root (which is
usual behavior in TypeScript) because the code accidentally "worked".
With this release, Vitest will now throw an error if it cannot resolve
the module - there are possible edge cases that are not covered yet, so
if you have any problems with this, please open a separate issue with
- Improve globs  -  by
[@&#8203;nickmccurdy]( in
- Vitest now has glob patterns similar to Jest for better compatibility.
It's possible that some files will be considered test files when
previously they were not. For example, Vitest now considers `test.js` to
be a test file. Also any file in `__tests__` is now considered to be a
test, not just files with `test` or `spec` suffix.
- Add `@vitest/coverage-v8` package  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Vitest now uses v8 code coverage directly for better performance.
`@vitest/coverage-c8` is deprecated as Vitest no longer uses c8 package
for coverage output. It will not be updated anymore, and Vitest will
fail in the next version if the user has `c8` as their coverage
provider. Please, install the new `@vitest/coverage-v8` package if you
previously used `@vitest/coverage-c8`.
- **mocker**: Don't restore mock to the original if the module is
automocked  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- `spy.mockRestore` on auto-mocked named exports will no longer restore
their implementation to the actual function. This behavior better
matches what Jest does.

#####    🚀 Features

- Support ssr optimizer  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Image type add apng  -  by [@&#8203;btea](
- **expect**: Support `expect.soft`  -  by
[@&#8203;Dunqing]( in
- **runner**: Support using function/class as `describe`/`test` name  - 
by [@&#8203;fenghan34]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- The cli option is passed to coverage.exclude  -  by
[@&#8203;btea]( in
- **optimizer**: Always respect optimizeDeps even if include/exclude is
overridden  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **runner**: Ensure Vitest is deduped  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **ui**: Don't cache coverage assets  -  by
[@&#8203;userquin]( in
- **vite-node**: Circular import stuck  -  by
[@&#8203;Dunqing]( in
- **watch**: Junit reporter fails to re-generate report  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- Enable experimentalOptimizer  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- **vite-node**: Deps.inline doesn't work  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- Support `VITE_NODE_DEPS_MODULE_DIRECTORIES` from .npmrc  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- **logger**: Print unhandled errors before summary  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **runner**: Suite options do not propagate to nested suites (fix:
[#&#8203;3467](  - 
by [@&#8203;xsjcTony]( in
- **vite-node**: Clear importers when invalidating module  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- Throw error if using inline snapshot inside of `test.each` or
`describe.each`  -  by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Pass down meta information to Node.js process  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and
[@&#8203;dammy001]( in
- **coverage**: Add `reportOnFailure` option  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **dev**: Add moduleDirectories option to the vitest config  -  by
[@&#8203;fooddilsn]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Don't print empty diff  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't restore methods in automocked dependencies  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Dot reporter scrollback buffer spam  -  by
[@&#8203;gtm-nayan]( in
- Gracefully exit when first `SIGINT` is received  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- `rejects` & `resolves` breaks with thenable objects  -  by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( in
- Prevent `birpc` timeouts when `Math.random` mock is not restored  - 
by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Assertion diff message now handle non writable property correctly  - 
by [@&#8203;PCreations]( in
- Extend logging of process timeout errors  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Support requiring files with `less` extension  -  by
[@&#8203;rluvaton]( in
-   **cli**:
- Improve colors used when erroring  -  by
[@&#8203;ghiscoding]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **runner**:
- Suite timeout does not take effect  -  by
[@&#8203;btea]( in
-   **spy**:
- Don't print received calls if there are no calls  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **typecheck**:
- Show tsc errors not related to test files  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **types**:
- Fix `PartialMock` with async TReturns  -  by
[@&#8203;ghry5]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Circular import stuck  -  by
[@&#8203;Dunqing]( in
- Coerce to string in import(dep)  -  by
[@&#8203;jcbhmr]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't remove sourcemap string in source code  -  by
[@&#8203;rxliuli]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't externalize "dist" by default  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- **watch**: Press `r` should rerun current pattern tests  -  by
[@&#8203;Dunqing]( and
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Make sure thrown error is an object  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Remove duplicate type  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Throw an error, if tests are collected with a different vitest version
 -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Support application/x-gzip metadata in html report  -  by
[@&#8203;mzanelee]( and **Michael Lee** in
- Correctly restore vi.fn implementation  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Display error message correctly  -  by
[@&#8203;btea]( in
- Exclude `cwd` from test name filter  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Check error type before modifying it  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- `toMatchInlineSnapshot` fails when file path includes parentheses  - 
by [@&#8203;pacexy]( in
- Stop spying on a method, when it's restored  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Test repeats  -  by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( in
-   **browser**:
- Throw an error if test failed to load  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Keep default export when rewriting exports  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **cli**:
- Improve cac errors when mixing boolean and dot notation  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **reporter**:
- Prevent deleting test reports stored in coverage directory  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **typecheck**:
- Correctly resolve custom tsconfig path  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Allow returning id not wrapped in promise  -  by
[@&#8203;danielroe]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚨 Breaking Changes

- Remove `browser` from allowed pools inside `poolMatchGlob` config
option. Please, use Vitest workspaces for running tests in the browser.
- Move assertion declarations to expect package  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

    -   The change should be minor:

    - declare namespace Vi {
    + declare module 'vitest' {
       interface Assertion<T = any> extends CustomMatchers<T> {}
       interface AsymmetricMatchersContaining extends CustomMatchers {}

#####    🚀 Features

- Update mock implementation to support ESM runtime, introduce
"vi.hoisted"  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Bypass ESM import order restriction with `vi.hoisted` to run code
before imports are executed:
    vi.hoisted(() => vi.setSystemTime(new Date(2022, 1, 1)))
    You can also use it to pass variables to `vi.mock`:
    const { mockedMethod } = vi.hoisted(() => {
      return { mockedMethod: vi.fn() }
    vi.mock('./path/to/module.js', () => {
      return { originalMethod: mockedMethod }
- Add repeat method to tests  -  by
[@&#8203;samkevin1]( in
- Add an option to hide skipped test lines  -  by
[@&#8203;g4rry420]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **coverage**: Watermarks for c8  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- **ui**: Add html coverage  -  by
[@&#8203;userquin]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **watch**: Test run cancelling, feat: `--bail` option for cancelling
test run  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Don't call global setup teardown twice  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Reporter to log version before provider initalizations  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Throw an error if Vitest cannot access its internal state  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Warning suppression broken  -  by
[@&#8203;IceQub3]( in
- Show correct diff in "toHaveBeenCalledWith"  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't print esm warning, if package name is not found  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Support exactOptionalPropertyTypes  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't inline vite hmr and rollup types  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **browser**:
- Failing to load vitest/utils  -  by
[@&#8203;userquin]( in
-   **coverage**:
- `thresholdAutoUpdate` to work with `perFile`  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Throw error if fail to load built-in provider  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Stackblitz hangs with c8  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- C8 to ignore vite's generated helpers  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Workspaces c8 source maps  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **docs**:
- Correct typo and broken link to WebdriverIO  -  by
[@&#8203;nathanbabcock]( in
-   **spy**:
- Update to set initial implementation through normal logic  -  by
[@&#8203;Codex-]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Circular imports  -  by [@&#8203;antfu]( in
- Add missing `` mock  -  by
-   **vitest**:
- Also check for vite relative to vitest package  -  by
[@&#8203;JoshuaKGoldberg]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **watch**:
- Run test files when added to filesystem  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on





##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where all properties didn't get copied from
`HTMLUnknownElement` to a custom element that is replacing it when it is



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where CSS variable values where not returned by
`Window.getComputedStyle()` when calling



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes problem with `querySelectorAll()` where it didn't always return
elements in document order.



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for disabling the simulation of rendering when
calculating computed style. The rendering process converts units such as
rem, em and cm to pixels, but it is very limited.
- Changes the behavior of converting percentage values to "0px" when
calculating computed style (as it fails to convert) to just leave the



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where attribute selectors with an operator and with a
value without quatation marks no longer worked (e.g. "\[attr^=value]").



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

-   Adds support for the mime type "apng" to `XMLHttpRequest`


Thank you [@&#8203;btea]( for your



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for "rem", "em", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax", "cm", "mm",
"in", "pt", "pc", "Q" measurement values to `Window.getComputedStyle()`
and `Window.matchMedia()`
- Adds support for "%" measurement values to `Window.getComputedStyle()`
and `Window.matchMedia()` when setting font size (other properties will
be set to "0px")
- Sets "font: 16px "Times new Roman"" as default font on the `<html>`
when using `Window.getComputedStyle()`
- Adds support for "outline", "outline-color", "outline-style",
"outline-width", "outline-offset", "letter-spacing", "word-spacing" and
"text-indent" to `CSSStyleDeclaration`.
- Adds support for the media query rules "orientation",
"prefers-color-scheme", "any-hover", "hover", "any-pointer", "pointer",
"display-mode", "width", "height", "min-aspect-ratio",
"max-aspect-ratio" and "aspect-ratio"
- Improves support for the media query rules "min-width", "max-width",
"min-height" and "max-height"
- Adds support for media types "all", "screen" and "print" to media
- Adds support for the "only", "not", "and" and "or" operators to media
- Adds support for ranges to media queries
- Adds support for "@&#8203;-webkit-keyframes",
"@&#8203;-webkit-container" and "@&#8203;-webkit-supports" to CSS parser

##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Adds support for ignoring unknown "@&#8203;" rules to the CSS parser.
- Adds support for the "height" property to `CSSStyleDeclaration`. Not
having support for "height" was missed somehow, as we have support for



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where non-string values did not get converted to strings
in ``, `CharacterData.nodeValue` or



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue in the XML parser where it failed to parse comments
including dash characters (-).


Thank you [@&#8203;gtm-nayan]( for your



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where attribute query selectors using "~" or "|" as
operators for finding attributes containing a word did not match when
there was only one word.



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for triggering an error event when attempting to fetch a
CSS file or Javascript file when it has been disabled using



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for "i" and "s" modifiers to attribute query selectors.



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for encoding HTML entities to the XML parser.
- Adds support for escaping text to `XMLSerializer.serializeToString()`.



##### :art: Features

- Changes deprecated "shadowroot" attribute to "shadowrootmode" in
[Declarative Shadow
generated by `Element.getInnerHTML()`.


Thank you [@&#8203;crypto-scythe](
for your contribution!



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for `Document.links`.


Thank you [@&#8203;btea]( for your



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue related to "@&#8203;" CSS rules in (e.g.
"@&#8203;-webkit-keyframes") causing an exception to be thrown in


Thank you [@&#8203;btea]( for your



##### :art: Features

- Improves performance of `Element.querySelectorAll()`. The performance
was decreased after the implementation of document sorting order, due to
the fact that it relied on `Object.assign()` for each match, which is
slower than iterating through all matches in the end.



##### :art: Features

- Adds support for the "of selector" to ":nth-child" and
":nth-last-child" query selectors.

##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes bug but where "nth-\*" query selectors didn't return the correct
elements when prefixing "n" with "-".



##### :art: Features

- Refactors the XML parser, which fixes several issues related to
parsing complex HTML (e.g. attributes containing ">").
- Improves performance of XML parsing significantly.



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Adds support for `Request.formData()`.


Thank you [@&#8203;rolandjohann]( for
your contribution!



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes an issue where `HTMLAnchorElement.toString()` returned
"HTMLElement.outerHTML", but should return "HTMLAnchorElement.href"
according to spec.


Thank you [@&#8203;Schleuse]( for your



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fix for parsing CSS comments with asterisks.


Thank you for your contribution



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes bug where errors where not handled correctly when performing a
synchronous request with `XMLHttpRequest`.
- Adds support for `XMLHttpRequest.response`.


Thank you [@&#8203;Mas0nShi]( for your



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue in `HTMLCollection` and `HTMLFormControlsCollection`
related to id/name of elements colliding with class properties and



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue related to query selection for attributes not using
apostrophe for the value. This caused an issue with finding elements by
text in Testing Library.



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where React "onChange" listeners never got executed when
triggering a `click()`.
- Fixes issue where it was not possible to use multiple pseudo query
selectors (e.g. "input:not(\[type]):not(\[list])"). This solves a
problem in Testing Library where it failed to find elements by role



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue related to query selection for attributes with empty value
(e.g. '\[attr1=""]').



##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Adds support for using escaped characters to ID:s in query selectors
(e.g. "#\\\\:id").



##### :art: Features

- Refactors the internal logic of how query selection works to improve
performance and make maintenance easier.
- Adds support for adjacent sibling to query selectors (e.g. ".a + .b").

##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes

- Fixes issue where `*.querySelectorAll()` did not return elements in
document order.









##### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** update dependency marked to v5



##### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** update dependency
to v4



##### Bug Fixes

- bump `@semantic-release/commit-analyzer` to `v10.0.0-beta.1`
- bump `@semantic-release/github` to `9.0.0-beta.2`
- **deps:** updated the beta plugins to stable versions



##### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** update dependency
to v11





##### Features

- Added support for TypeScript 5.1,
- Added `navigation.fullTree` to control rendering the full navigation
tree on each page,
This option will likely be replaced in 0.25 with dynamic loading of the
full tree.
- TypeDoc's `--pretty` option now also controls whether generated HTML
contains line breaks,
- Optimized icon caching to reduce file size in generated HTML
- Render property description of "roughly top level" object types,
- Added `MarkdownEvent.INCLUDE` for plugins,

##### Bug Fixes

- When rendering functions/methods, TypeDoc will now render the comment
summary above the parameters/return type,
and any other block tags in the order they are defined in the comment,
- Comments are no longer removed from classes/interfaces containing call

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;krisztianb](
-   [@&#8203;WikiRik](



##### Features

- TypeDoc will now allow conversion without any entry points to support
"readme only" packages,

##### Bug Fixes

- Category children are now sorted according to the `sort` option,
- Inline tags no longer require a space after the tag name to be parsed
as a tag,
- Fixed module/namespace links in navigation when viewed in Safari,



TypeScript 5.1.3


For release notes, check out the [release



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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renovate[bot] authored Jun 14, 2023
1 parent 6e5d710 commit 2dc6b57
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