My very first attempt at an Elm application, to test my understanding of Elm in Action.
The Random Word API I used for this app is justifiably returning an error, most likely because the many requests would cost them money. They invite users to self-deploy. If you intend to check my Speak And Spell Elm implementation, you need to deploy the API first, and then point a clone of this very app to it.
- API repo:
- API URLs need changing in main.js and SpeakAndSpell.elm
Because there was potential for a good mix of UI and UX. It seemed like a great starting point to learn and practice. Moreover, I fancied creating a project completely from scratch, as opposed to pre-existing concepts.
Being a toy project (no pun intended), this is a limited reproduction:
- match the word on the screen
- use the commands
No Mystery Word or any other play mode from the original game.
The point of this exercise was to: study, internalize, apply, learn some more, improve skills and code, rinse and repeat. Not to be an 1:1 clone.
When I first started this project, I hadn't finished the book yet. In fact, I started creating this project right after finishing Chapter 5: a chapter that covered all the basics up to testing. I needed to internalize the concepts I had learned up to that point, and to make sure I was getting them right.
After improving my skills on Exercism, and doing some more exploring, I have:
- migrated the project to my template
- migrated from Elm UI to Tailwind CSS
- made it fully reponsive to the best of my abilities
- resumed the book from where I left off: Chapter 6 - Testing
- wrote all tests for the API and more relevant UI items
With all testing complete, the project fully served its purpose and it is now complete. 🎉 🎉 🎉
Tooling privided by my own Vite, Elm, and Tailwind CSS, Template. Check it out 😃
Speak & Spell™ is © of Texas Instruments Inc.
The favicon used on the Vercel app is © Gregor Cresnar. Licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0.