This is a project for Advanced Object-Oriented Programming course using Java. It simulates an e-Ticketing Platform containing information about tickets, events, locations and clients.
I implemented the following classes:
Event - abstract class
Abstract Method Description calcMaxProfit() returns a float representing the maximum profit of the event calcEventDuration() returns a float representing the number of hours of the event calcEventProfit() returns a float representing the real profit of the event (subtracting the maximum profit and the costs of the event such as location fees, singers price, etc) Subclasses:
- Concert
- Singer : aggregation
- Play
- Actor : aggregation
- Conference
- Concert
Location - abstract class
- Arena
- Outdoor
- Theatre
Client - abstract class
- Adult
- Child
Ticket -> includes method calcPrice() that applies 50% discount to children tickets (the method assures that the discount cannot be applied multiple times)
All the classes have constructors, setters, getters and equals, hashCode, toString methods overridden.
Auxiliary classes:
Phone - phone number class designed using regex pattern validation
Hour - class having Integers for hour and minutes
TicketsBought - singleton class that stores a HashMap<Event, Integer> for keeping track of the number of tickets bought for every event
Service - singleton class containing different methods called in the menu to demonstrate the use of classes and the project features.
Main - class that simulates the user menu
In the Main class, there are several objects declared at the beginning so that I can display the project features in the menu (listing the existing locations for example).
As a client, you can:
- buy a ticket for an event (the ticket class instance is done automatically based on the information provided by the user)
- see available events (from a list that is updated in the classes constructors).
As an organizer, you can:
- add a concert
- add a play
- add a conference
- tickets bought until now*
Service methods:
Method | Description |
stringToHour(String s) | returns an Hour class object given a string as a parameter; it is used for processing the user input |
addPhone() | creates a Phone class object |
addSinger() | creates a Singer class object; includes processing a string into Enum type |
addActor() | creates an Actor class object |
addLocation(String s) | creates and returns an/a Arena/Outdoor/Theatre class object casted to Event type |
listAllSingers() | lists all singers from the Service list that is updated in the Singer class constructor |
listAllActors() | lists all actors from the Service list that is updated in the Actor class constructor |
sortSingersByName(List l) | returns an alphabetical ordered list of singers (sorted collection) |
sortActorsByName(List l) | returns an alphabetical ordered list of actors (sorted collection) |
listSortedLocations(List l) | returns a list of sorted locations in ascending order based on capacity; it uses compareTo overridden method from Comparable interface |
addConcert(Organizer org) | returns a new instance of Concert class based on the input data; it also calls another methods such as addLocation if the user wants to add a new location for the event, or listLocations if the user wants to assign an existing location to the event |
addPlay(Organizer org) | returns a new instance of Play class based on the input data; it also calls another methods such as addLocation if the user wants to add a new location for the event, or listLocations if the user wants to assign an existing location to the event |
addConference(Organizer org) | returns a new instance of Conference class based on the input data; it also calls another methods such as addLocation if the user wants to add a new location for the event, or listLocations if the user wants to assign an existing location to the event |
addClient(String s) | returns an/a Adult/Child class instance casted to Client class |
addOrganizer() | return a new Organizer class instance based on the input data |
listEvents() | lists all the existing events |
readFromCSV(String option, String path) | generic method for reading objects information from CSV file; it returns an array of CSV corresponding class objects (singers / actors / arenas / outdoors / theatres); it is called by other methods such as addConcert, addPlay |
writeToCSV(E object, String path) | generic method for writing objects information in CSV file; String 'path' argument is used to create the FileWriter object for the prerequisite class |
auditWrite(String ts, String object, String action) | writes in audit.csv file the action name, the object class which readToCSV / writeToCSV method was called for and also the timestamp; it is called in the previous mentioned methods using suitable arguments |
- For the first stage: All the addClass methods call the corresponding parameterized constructor so that the Service all_class lists are up to date.
- For the second stage: Some of the all_class lists are not used anymore due to the CSV reading method
Java collections used:
- List (in Service class, used for storing objects on categories)
- HashMap (in TicketsBought class, used for keeping track of the number of tickets bought for every event)