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Factorio Tools

A personal collection of tools to optimize Factorio bases.

At the moment, I've only programmed the computation of optimal ratios. The computation works in general, also with recipes that have multiple outputs, or where multiple recipes are available for the same output (linear programming is used here). I've also dreamed of computing optimal layouts but that's a more difficult problem. One day, maybe.


Before using the tools, we need to convert Factorio recipes data to .json. This part is programmed in Lua.

lua convert.lua ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/ > recipes.json

(The argument to convert.lua is the path to the Factorio installation.)

The remaining tools are in Python. The following snippet will load the functions used in the examples below.

from recipes import load_recipes
from transform import adjust
from production import list_resources, optimize, optimize_or
from interface import print_technologies, print_flows, print_io


An Electronics Factory

After loading the libraries, we can load the recipes. Either "normal" or "expensive" recipes can be loaded.

technologies = load_recipes('recipes.json', mode='normal')

By default, the recipes are loaded with crafting speed 1. Suppose we are currently using Assembling Machine 2 and an Electric Furnace, without any modules. We can transform the crafting speeds accordingly:

technologies = adjust(technologies, speed={
    'crafting': 0.75,
    'smelting': 2,

Available categories are: "centrifuging", "chemistry", "crafting", "oil-processing", "rocket-building", "smelting".

When running the optimizer, an arbitrary list of inputs can be given. The optimizer will then minimize the sum of all inputs, using equal weights with the exception of water, which is given 0 weight (water is cheap and we don't care how much of it is used.)

First, we load the default inputs (resources):

resources = list_resources(technologies)

These are "uranium-ore", "coal", "stone", "copper-ore", "raw-fish", "crude-oil", "wood", "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", "water", "steam", "iron-ore". Suppose we already produce "sulfur", "iron-plate", "copper-plate", and "plastic-bar" elsewhere and ship them in. We can update the list of resources accordingly.

    'sulfur', 'iron-plate', 'copper-plate', 'plastic-bar',

Next, we specify our objective function (units per second). In general, multiple objectives can be given.

objectives = {'electronic-circuit': 15}

Sure, 15 electronic circuits per second is not quite ambitious, but it's a start. We're ready to run the optimizer now:

solution, flows = optimize(objectives, resources, technologies)

A number of convenience functions is proved to pretty-print the optimization results. These should be reasonably self-explanatory.

>>> print_technologies(solution)
name                   cycles/s      cycles    time or count
                      (machine)    (demand)
------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
electronic-circuit          1.5        15                 10
copper-cable                1.5        22.5               15

>>> print_flows(flows)
name                    amount  type
--------------------  --------  ------
  iron-plate              15    item
  copper-plate            22.5  item
  copper-cable            45    item
  electronic-circuit      15    item

>>> print_io(solution)
name                  direction      items/s  type
--------------------  -----------  ---------  ------
  iron-plate          in                 1.5  item
  copper-cable        in                 4.5  item
  electronic-circuit  out                1.5  item
  copper-plate        in                 1.5  item
  copper-cable        out                3    item

A common design goal I personally faced is to build a factory that can produce either product A or product B at given throughputs. So, there is a wrapper around optimize to do just that. Say, we want to be able to produce either 15 electronic circuits per second, or 5 advanced circuits, or 0.6 processing units.

objectives = {
    'electronic-circuit': 15,
    'advanced-circuit': 5,
    'processing-unit': 0.6,
solution, flows = optimize_or(objectives, resources, technologies)

Let's just take a look at the required machines and the flows.

>>> print_technologies(solution)
name                   cycles/s      cycles    time or count
                      (machine)    (demand)
------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
advanced-circuit          0.125        5             40
copper-cable              1.5         25             16.6667
electronic-circuit        1.5         15             10
processing-unit           0.075        0.6            8
sulfuric-acid             1            0.06           0.06

>>> print_flows(flows)
name                    amount  type
--------------------  --------  ------
  copper-plate            25    item
  iron-plate              15    item
  plastic-bar             10    item
  sulfur                   0.3  item
  water                    6    fluid
  advanced-circuit         1.2  item
  copper-cable            50    item
  electronic-circuit      14.4  item
  sulfuric-acid            3    fluid
  advanced-circuit         5    item
  electronic-circuit      15    item
  processing-unit          0.6  item

Importantly, the worst possible layout scenario is used when computing flows. As long as your belts, inserters, etc. satisfy the flows, the factory should be able to work at capacity.

A Rocket

Let's build a rocket from scratch. We'll be using Assembling Machines 3 and Electric Furnaces, without any modules to start with. Regarding the timing, it could be a rocket per second (default output format), or a rocket per minute, etc.

technologies = load_recipes('recipes.json', mode='normal')
technologies = adjust(technologies, speed={
    'crafting': 1.25,
    'smelting': 2,
resources = list_resources(technologies)
resources.remove('steam')  # don't use steam (steam recipes are currently missing)
objectives = {
    'rocket-silo': 1,
    'rocket-part': 100,
solution, flows = optimize(objectives, resources, technologies)

Expectedly, advanced oil processing is the way to go:

>>> print_technologies(solution)
name                          cycles/s      cycles    time or count
                             (machine)    (demand)
-------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
speed-module                 0.0833333     1000            12000
advanced-oil-processing      0.2           2890.6          14453
heavy-oil-cracking           0.5           1731.62          3463.25
light-oil-cracking           0.5           2400.85          4801.71
sulfuric-acid                1              120              120
plastic-bar                  1             9900             9900
solid-fuel-from-light-oil    0.5          10000            20000
sulfur                       1              300              300
lubricant                    1              300              300
iron-gear-wheel              2.5            200               80
electronic-circuit           2.5          44200            17680
pipe                         2.5            500              200
copper-cable                 2.5          81100            32440
engine-unit                  0.125          200             1600
concrete                     0.125          100              800
copper-plate                 0.625       101100           161760
iron-plate                   0.625        61220            97952
stone-brick                  0.625          500              800
steel-plate                  0.125         3200            25600
advanced-circuit             0.208333      7400            35520
processing-unit              0.125         1200             9600
rocket-silo                  0.0416667        1               24
electric-engine-unit         0.125          200             1600
low-density-structure        0.0625        1000            16000
rocket-fuel                  0.0416667     1000            24000
rocket-control-unit          0.0416667     1000            24000
rocket-part                  0.333333       100              300

Here are the total resources used:

>>> print_flows(flows)
name                       amount  type
-----------------------  --------  ------
  water                    299504  fluid
  crude-oil                289060  fluid
  coal                       9900  item
  iron-ore                  61320  item
  copper-ore               101100  item
  stone                      1000  item

Let's switch to Productivity Module 3 for all intermediate goods:

technologies = adjust(
        'centrifuging': 1.2,
        'chemistry': 1.3,
        'crafting': 1.4,
        'oil-processing': 1.3,
        'rocket-building': 1.4,
        'smelting': 1.2,
        'centrifuging': 0.7,
        'chemistry': 0.55,
        'crafting': 0.4,
        'oil-processing': 0.55,
        'rocket-building': 0.4,
        'smelting': 0.7,
    test=lambda t: t.intermediate,
solution, flows = optimize(objectives, resources, technologies)

Here are the new total resources:

>>> print_flows(flows)
name                        amount  type
-----------------------  ---------  ------
  water                  79890.6    fluid
  crude-oil              67408.4    fluid
  coal                    2940.28   item
  iron-ore               18636.7    item
  copper-ore             23063.6    item
  stone                    833.333  item

Quite a tad more efficient, but those numbers do not account, of course, for the production of the required productivity modules.

Electricity from Nuclear

This example is more involved, but it also nicely demonstrates the limitations of the current scripts. So, essentially no electricity related recipes are loaded with load_recipes. (I didn't yet get around to finding where those recipes are stored.) Consequently, we need to add a couple of recipes manually to solve for nuclear steam production.

We start, as before, by loading recipes.

technologies = load_recipes('recipes.json', mode='normal')

With benefit of hindsight, we'll need 9 reactors, but that number can be computed iteratively. Here is the respective neighbour bonus:

# Number of reactors, computed iteratively
n = 9  

# Neighbour bonus, sssuming double-row layout
if n == 1:
    bonus = 0
elif n % 2 == 0:
    bonus = 3 - 4/n
    bonus = 3 - 5/n

We can now add technologies for heat, steam, and electricity production.

from recipes import Technology, Item

nuclear_reactor = Technology(
    name = 'operating-nuclear-reactor',
    category = 'electricity-generation',
    intermediate = False,  # not elegible for productivity modules
    inputs = [Item('uranium-fuel-cell', 'item', 1)],
    outputs = [
        Item('used-up-uranium-fuel-cell', 'item', 1),
        Item('heat', 'heat', (bonus + 1)*8000),  # heat energy, MJ
    time = 200,  # single cycle

heat_exchanger = Technology(
    name = 'operating-heat-exchanger',
    category = 'electricity-generation',
    intermediate = False,
    inputs = [
        Item('heat', 'heat', 10),  # heat energy, MJ
        Item('water', 'fluid', 50_000/485),
    outputs = [Item('steam', 'fluid', 50_000/485)],
    time = 1,

steam_turbine = Technology(
    name = 'operating-steam-turbine',
    category = 'electricity-generation',
    intermediate = False,
    inputs = [
        Item('steam', 'fluid', 60),
    outputs = [Item('electricity', 'electricity', 5.82)],  # MJ
    time = 1,

technologies += [nuclear_reactor, heat_exchanger, steam_turbine]

Let's use all the latest machines, complete with level 3 productivity modules:

technologies = adjust(technologies, speed={'crafting': 1.25})

technologies = adjust(technologies,
    speed = {'crafting': 0.4, 'centrifuging': 0.6},
    productivity = {'crafting': 1.4, 'centrifuging': 1.2 },
    test = lambda t: t.intermediate,

We'll assume the iron plates are already produced elsewhere:

resources = list_resources(technologies)

The objective has been know since 1985:

objectives = {
    'electricity': 1210,

We're all set now, let's take a look at the solution:

>>> solution, flows = optimize(objectives, resources, technologies)
>>> print_technologies(solution)
name                           cycles/s         cycles    time or count
                              (machine)       (demand)
--------------------------  -----------  -------------  ---------------
uranium-processing                0.05     0.0241749          0.483498
kovarex-enrichment-process        0.01     0.000318853        0.0318853
nuclear-fuel-reprocessing         0.01     0.00878226         0.878226
uranium-fuel-cell                 0.05     0.00313652         0.0627304
operating-nuclear-reactor         0.005    0.0439113          8.78226
operating-heat-exchanger          1      121                121
operating-steam-turbine           1      207.904            207.904

>>> print_flows(flows)
name                                amount  type
---------------------------  -------------  -----------
  uranium-ore                    0.241749   item
  iron-plate                     0.0313652  item
  water                      12474.2        fluid
  uranium-235                    0.0158907  item
  uranium-238                    0.0611882  item
  used-up-uranium-fuel-cell      0.0439113  item
  uranium-fuel-cell              0.0439113  item
  heat                        1210          heat
  steam                      12474.2        fluid
  electricity                 1210          electricity

A 1M uranium deposit would allow to generate 1.21 GW of electricity for close to 48 in-game days (well, slightly less as we can't build precisely 8.78 reactors). Who needs solar if one has the Kovarex enrichment process?


A personal collection of tools to optimize Factorio bases







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