Name: Book Shop Automation Testing Cypress
Description: Automation Practice Web Site 2021
Platform: Web / Cypress
Created by: Andreia Freitas
Requires Node version >= 10.0.0
npm install
Set username and password environment variables in cypress.json
npm run cypress:open
Given I am a guest and I am on the top of the homepage
When I click on the slider arrow
Then I can see a different highlight book
Open browser
Visit URL
Click on the arrow presented on the slider
Change slider
Being able to see different sliders
Given I am a guest and I am on the homepage
When I scroll to the new arrivals section
Then I can see 3 books
Open browser
Visit URL
Scroll below the slider
Homepage must contain 3 arrivals
Given I am a guest on the top left of the website
When I type on the search bar and press enter
Then the result of my search appears in the middle of the page
Open browser
Visit URL
On the top left of the page, you can find the search bar
Type: 'HTML'
Click 'Enter'
The user can find HTML links to the content on the page
Given I am a guest and I am at the button of any webpage,
When I click on the social media icon
Then on the browser opens a new tab with the link of the social media I clicked on.
Open browser
Visit URL
Scroll down to the footer and you can find the social media button
Click on the Facebook button
Opens a new tab on the browser with a Facebook page related to the website
Given I input my email address
When I am on the button of the homepage and click the button ‘Subscribe’
Then shows a message “Thank you, your sign-up request was successful! Please check your email inbox to confirm.”
Open browser
Visit URL
Scroll down on to the footer and on the right side the user can find the input to subscribe
On the input box insert an email address
Click on the button subscribe
The user can see a message: “Thank you, your sign-up request was successful! Please check your email inbox to confirm.”
Given I am a guest and I want to create a new account
When I fill out my credentials: email and password
Then I will be registered as a new customer.
Insert email address:
Insert password: sfdgfhgjklj;koilukytredgfchgvhbhjiu8976iytghbjnm,
Click ‘Register’
User will be registered successfully and will be navigated to the Home page
Given I am a logged out website user and I am on the sign-in page
When I fill out my credentials(email & password)
Then the system will sign me in & let me access my profile
Enter the URL “”
Insert registered email address:
Insert password: sfdgfhgjklj;koilukytredgfchgvhbhjiu8976iytghbjnm,
Click on the Login button
User must successfully log in to the web page and can navigate to the HomePage
Given I am a logged out customer
When I log in with an incorrect username and incorrect password
Then proper error message must be displayed
Enter the URL “”
Enter incorrect username
Enter incorrect password
Click on the login button
The proper error message must be displayed and prompt to enter login again
Given I am a customer
When I change the price range
Then I can see only books where the price is between the range.
Filter by price 300 - 400
Click ‘Filter’
Given I am a customer
When I am on the product page and select the button ‘Reviews”
Then I can write a review and submit
Given I am a customer
When I am on the book page and click on the breadcrumb menu
Then I can go back
Given I am a guest and I do not want want to login
When I visit the shop page and checkout with a book
Then I can buy that book without a login
Click on the menu ‘Shop’
Select available book
Add to basket
View basket
Proceed to checkout
Complete billing details
Select Cash on delivery
Place order
Page load to be able to see order details
Given I am a guest
When I am on the form
Then I fill in all my details
First name “string” Last name “String” Email address example Phone Numerical Country Scroll down/ Address “Street address” “Apartment, suite, unit, etc.(optional) Town/City “String” County “String”, Optional Postcode Include string and numerical
Given I am a Guest
When I am on the basket
Then I change the quantity of product that I am buying
Given I am a Guest and I am on the basket
When I input my discount coupon
Then automatically is given me a discount amount
Given I am a customer I want to look for books
When I click on the product category
Then I can see only books from the chosen category.
On product, categories click on ‘JavaScript’