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A Go project that is designed to import a CSV/PSV/XSLX file into assets that can be used by Project Apario.


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Project Apario Contribution Ingestion

This project is responsible for scanning an incoming CSV/PSV or XLSX metadata file that contains predictable rows of records that presumably are PDF files that can be ingested/processed for consumption by Project Apario.


go build -a -race -v -o apario-contribution .

Runtime Requirements

You'll need to download and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd apario-contribution
make install
make build

You'll also need to ensure that the following binaries are installed on the host that will execute this program.

var RawBinaries = []string{

It is required that you have accessible to the runtime of this executable the aforementioned binaries as they are utilized throughout the compilation process of generating assets. For each of these, you should be able to run with success:

$ which pdfcpu

$ which gs

$ which pdftotext

$ which convert

$ which composite

$ which pdftoppm

$ which tesseract

If you're missing any of these binaries, please consult with your preferred search engine for further assistance.

Data Sets

Name Filename Rows Pages Notes
JFK 2018 importable/jfk2018.xlsx 54,636 334,031 First Set of JFK Files
JFK 2021 importable/jfk2021.xlsx 1,491 18,870 Second Set of JFK Files
JFK 2022 importable/jfk2022.xlsx 13,263 165,644 Third Set of JFK Files
JFK 2023 importable/jfk2023.xlsx 1,279 16,174 Fourth Set of JFK Files
STARGATE importable/stargate.psv 12,339 91,604 DIA Remote Viewing Program


There are two ways you can run the program, the first and most pure way of doing it is to directly call the built binary with your own arguments, such as:

time ./apario-contribution -dir tmp -file importable/jfk2023.xlsx -limit 369 -buffer 4550819

The other way of doing it is much easier, this looks like:

make run jfk2023.xlsx

You can replace jfk2023.xlsx with the file inside the importable/ directory. The script supports XLSX, CSV and PSV file extensions, but the formatting of the data does matter. For instance, if you're running on an XLSX, it will only process the first sheet. All other sheets are ignored by the script. It also assumes that the first line is the headers.

Do not be surprised if this process takes a very long to complete depending on how fast your system is. The script is designed to technically be resumable but it does not do a very good job with it at the moment. For instance, if the PDF is already downloaded, it won't re-download it. However, if the process exits before it's completed, and you resume it, it'll regenerate the manifest files, thumbnails, and re-perform the OCR on the project.

Command Line Arguments

Flag Default Notes
-file blank CSV file of URL + Metadata.
-dir blank Path of the directory you want the export to be generated into.
-limit 1 Number of rows to concurrently process.
-buffer 131072 Memory allocation for CSV, XLSX, or PSV buffer (min 128 * 1024 = 168KB)
-tesseract 1 Semaphore Limiter for tesseract binary.
-download 2 Semaphore Limiter for downloading PDF files from URLs.
-pdfcpu 17 Semaphore Limiter for pdfcpu binary.
-gs 17 Semaphore Limiter for gs binary.
-pdftotext 17 Semaphore Limiter for pdftotext binary.
-convert 17 Semaphore Limiter for convert binary.
-pdftoppm 17 Semaphore Limiter for pdftoppm binary.
-png2jpg 17 Semaphore Limiter for converting PNG images to JPG.
-resize 17 Semaphore Limiter for resize PNG or JPG images.
-shafile 36 Semaphore Limiter for calculating the SHA256 checksum of files.
-watermark 36 Semaphore Limiter for adding a watermark to an image.
-darkimage 36 Semaphore Limiter for converting an image to dark mode.
-filedata 369 Semaphore Limiter for writing metadata about a processed file to JSON.
-shastring 369 Semaphore Limiter for calculating the SHA256 checksum of a string.
-wjsonfile 369 Semaphore Limiter for writing a JSON file to disk.


When the program executes, you'll supply a -dir flag argument which will be a string to an existing directory with write permissions on your system. If the directory does not reflect that level of permission, you must do whatever is necessary to ensure that its in a writable and working state prior to running this code.

As the script processes the CSV or XLSX file supplied with the -file flag argument, you'll begin to see files created. For the example provided, the dir is called ./tmp and it will look something like this:

├── apario-contribution
├── logs
│   └── engine-2023-05-17-17-17-17.log
├── tmp
│   ├── f9928f63d48bf43aa8222b0eaed10c8f51b92a39a0e9db4370cedbe72ee682ac
│   │   ├── 2023_104-10143-10058.pdf
│   │   ├── ocr.txt
│   │   ├── pages
│   │   │   ├── 2023_104-10143-10058_page_1.pdf
│   │   │   ├── 2023_104-10143-10058_page_2.pdf
│   │   │   ├── manifest.000001.json
│   │   │   ├── manifest.000002.json
│   │   │   ├── page.light.000001.original.png
│   │   │   ├── page.light.000002.original.png
│   │   │   ├── page.dark.000001.original.png
│   │   │   └── page.dark.000002.original.png
│   │   └── record.json

Inside the tmp/ directory you'll see something like f9928f63d48bf43aa8222b0eaed10c8f51b92a39a0e9db4370cedbe72ee682ac. This happens to be the SHA256 checksum of the URL that the specific documents belongs to as its source. For this example, Inside of that is the PDF file itself, and in the case of the JFK files, the subfolder "2023" is just merged into "2023_" using a simple strings.ReplaceAll(). In addition to the downloaded original PDF, the ocr.txt file is the output of pdftotext if the PDF has text objects inside it. Most if not all DECLAS OSINT from JFK/STARGATE are flattened images making them impossible to search, thus why this project is needed in the first place. The pages/ subdirectory is responsible for hosting a <filename>_page_#.pdf file that is just an extracted page, a manifest.0000#.json that contains paths to image assets and metadata, and then the actual image assets as page.(light|dark).(pageNumber).(png|jpg). When the process is complete, you'll see .JPG files. If the process is incomplete, you may see .PNG files. The JPG images are progressive at 75% quality, the PNG are uncompressed but resampled to 369px/in.

In addition to these assets, a record.sql file will soon be added that will provide the necessary PostgreSQL insert statements required to ensure that the row scanned from the input file is accessible via the Project Apario database/GUI.

Finally, in the worker.go file are a few unused functions that will be expanded to include processing the OCR text from the document to either clean it up, generate ngram sequences, and build a master dictionary of words->[]pages to help improve the performance of complex searching that will be offered in the desktop build of Project Apario.


2023/05/17 17:17:17 headerFields = File Name,Record Num,NARA Release Date,Formerly Withheld,Agency,Doc Date,Doc Type,File Num,To Name,From Name,Title,Num Pages,Originator,Record Series,Review Date,Comments,Pages Released
2023/05/17 17:17:17 processRecord received for row [{File Name 2023/104-10061-10328.pdf} {Num Pages 1} {Record Series JFK} {Comments JFK9 : F60 : 1993.07.12.14:32:01:090580 :} {Record Num 104-10061-10328} {From Name SE/OP/S, CIA} {Pages Released 1} {NARA Release Date 05/11/2023} {Formerly Withheld Redact} {Doc Type PAPER - TEXTUAL DOCUMENT} {To Name SE/SAG/OP, CIA} {Review Date 03/31/2023} {Doc Date 06/27/1978} {File Num 80T01357A} {Title SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH UZLOV.} {Originator CIA}]
2023/05/17 17:17:17 pdf_url =
2023/05/17 17:17:17 downloading URL to tmp/52a800b39d62a74b2ec3add1e1bb2b1b7a932e04834fbcace757f64f1ec28f63/2023_104-10061-10328.pdf
2023/05/17 17:17:17 sending URL (rd struct) into the ch_ImportedRow channel
2023/05/17 17:17:17 processRecord received for row [{Title HSCA REQUEST} {Comments JFK9 : F64 : 1993.07.12.13:45:27:590530 :} {Pages Released 1} {Doc Type PAPER - TEXTUAL DOCUMENT} {Num Pages 1} {Doc Date 06/07/1978} {NARA Release Date 05/11/2023} {Formerly Withheld Redact} {File Num 80T01357A} {From Name WITHHELD} {Originator CIA} {Record Series JFK} {Review Date 03/31/2023} {File Name 2023/104-10061-10266.pdf} {Record Num 104-10061-10266}]
2023/05/17 17:17:17 pdf_url =
2023/05/17 17:17:17 started validatePdf(2023UWG662) = tmp/52a800b39d62a74b2ec3add1e1bb2b1b7a932e04834fbcace757f64f1ec28f63/2023_104-10061-10328.pdf

Running on Docker

If you wish to run this project purely within Docker and not rely on installing the required binaries directly to your system, or if you're on a system that doesn't natively support the binary dependencies, then Docker is your friend.

Build Docker Image

The file is Dockerfile and it can be compiled using:

make dbuild

Running Docker Container

When running the docker container, you are required to supply the required argument <filename> in it, such as:

make drun jfk2023.xlsx

Or if you wish to enter an interactive shell:

make dbuild
make dbash

Inside the container, you can run:

make containered sample-jfk.xlsx

TIP: Replace sample-jfk.xlsx with any properly formatted file inside the importable/* directory (.psv, .csv or .xlsx only).

The make containered command is responsible for tuning the semaphores to run on a smaller system or a container, otherwise it'll assume bare metal and tune the performance more aggressively to complete the import process faster.

Inside the container, you're running as the user apario and not as root.

Future Proves Past

Project Apario was a monolithic Rails application that delivered the first 2 sets of the JFK Assassination Records to the public in a fully searchable manner. As costs increased and funding stretched thin, a pivot was necessary to replace the underlying technology with something more robust like Go.

As is, this project only accomplishes half of what is necessary to actually USE the pages of OSINT that its capable of ingesting. Future updates to this code will incorporate those changes.

Contribution Policy

Feel free to fork the project, submit a contribution, and then create a pull request. I'll review it and incorporate it if It's something that the project needs.


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  • Andrei Merlescu (inventor of Project Apario)


This project is licensed with the GPL-3 License and all source code in this repository is open source and owned by Project Apario LLC.


A Go project that is designed to import a CSV/PSV/XSLX file into assets that can be used by Project Apario.







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