This API provides a simple interface for retrieving notes in different scales based on a given key.
The API currently responds to the following GET requests:
Retrieves a list of notes in the specified scale for the given key.
- A musical key, represented as any of the following:Key C C#/Db D Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Bb B Endpoint name C Csharp/Dflat D Eflat E F Fsharp/Gflat G Gsharp/Aflat A Bflat B -
- The type of scale:major minor -
Certain key and scale combinations will be altered to return the scale with the least key signatures.
- Example:
Db minor
becomesC# minor
- Example:
To retrieve the notes in the C# minor scale, you can make a GET request to:
- Get the notes of a given key and scale [x]
- Get the chords of a given key and scale [ ]
- Return a random chord progression for a given key and scale [ ]