Fluid simulation framework based on the MPS method
This is a fluid simulation framework based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit method derived from results obtained in a M.Sc. thesis: "A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method". A set of papers (shown in the references section) was used as base to its development.
This framework also works as a tool, simulating pre-built scenarios that can be fine-tuned regarding its physical properties, compressibility approach, execution type (CPU/GPU) and others.
The creation of new simulation scenarios is not included and it is suggested as future work.
The system makes possible to simulate fluids in different ways and approaches. A few possibilities are:
Compressibility approach
Fully Incompressible
Weakly Compressible
Numerical improvements in both compressibility approaches
Type of execution
CPU - Sequential
CPU - OpenMP optimized
GPU - CUDA optimized
Turbulence model
Viscosity model
Multiphase interaction (max. of 2 fluids)
- Fine-tune density & viscosity of both fluids
Time-step duration
Compute capability equal or greater than 6.1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA)
CUDA 10.1
Visual Studio 2017
Update the NVIDIA GPU driver to the current version
Install CUDA 10.1 (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-10.1-download-archive-base)
Install Visual Studio 2017 (Community, Professional or Enterprise) (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/)
Install Git and clone this repository
Build from source both Visual Studio projects, first the the VoxarMPS solution and then the GUI solution
To solve a common problem during build: Copy all files from this path (depends on the path you installed CUDA in)
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\extras\visual_studio_integration\MSBuildExtensions
to this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\BuildCustomizations
Run GUI.exe to set the simulation parameters and start it
(1) Choose two or three dimensions simulations;
(2) Type of execution: sequentially, parallelized through OpenMP or parallelized through CUDA;
(3) Select from a set of previously built simulation scenarios;
(4) Choose from two possible fluid compressibility approaches;
By selecting Fully Incompressible, (5) and (6) will be enabled, which numerically improve calculations and stabilize fluid pressure;
(7) Check to employ the SPS-LES turbulence model;
(8) Can only be enabled if the chosen test scenario is a multiphase system. If checked, the second fluid in the simulation will present viscoplastic properties;
In (9), (10), (11) and (12) the density and viscosity values of the two fluids in the simulation can be set;
(13) Sets the time-step duration;
(14) Sets how long the simulation will last in real-world time;
(15) Generates the output VTU files with all kinds of particles present in the simulation;
(16) Generates the output VTU files with only fluid particles information;
(17) starts the generating the simulation;
(18) allows the user to switch between PT-BR and EN-US languages.
To watch the simulation outcome any visualization software that reads VTU files can be used, such as ParaView.
Number of particles in the simulation is limited by the size of available RAM
Only tested on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise and Community editions.
Only tested on the following NVIDIA GPUs: GTX 1080 (Mobile) and GTX 1080 Ti
- CUDA file that contains the main loop and calls for every utilized function of the algorithm, including CUDA kernels for the GPU runs
- CUDA file containing the implementations of the main routines and CUDA kernels used inside the main loop
- All declarations of the routines and CUDA kernels implemented in
- Implementations of functions that allow storing the output VTU files and also reading from these
- Declarations of the input and output routines from
This program is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) license. Please see LICENSE file.
- André Luiz Buarque Vieira-e-Silva (albvs@cin.ufpe.br)
- Voxar Labs (voxarlabs@cin.ufpe.br) - https://www.cin.ufpe.br/~voxarlabs/
If you use Voxar MPS in your work, please cite it:
title = "A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method",
journal = "Computer Physics Communications",
volume = "258",
pages = "107572",
year = "2021",
issn = "0010-4655",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107572",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465520302745",
author = "André Luiz Buarque {Vieira-e-Silva} and Caio José {dos Santos Brito} and Francisco Paulo {Magalhães Simões} and Veronica Teichrieb",
keywords = "MPS, Framework, Numerical improvements, Fluid models, Parallelization"
Main references
Vieira-e-Silva, André Luiz Buarque, et al. "A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method." Computer Physics Communications (2020): 107572.
Shakibaeinia, Ahmad, and Yee-Chung Jin. "MPS mesh-free particle method for multiphase flows." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 229 (2012): 13-26.
Gotoh, H. "Advanced particle methods for accurate and stable computation of fluid flows." Frontiers of Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Practical Simulations in Engineering and Disaster Prevention (2013): 113.
Koshizuka, Seiichi, and Yoshiaki Oka. "Moving-particle semi-implicit method for fragmentation of incompressible fluid." Nuclear science and engineering 123.3 (1996): 421-434.