Cities info web service. It gives you information about weather and businesses about up to 5 cities for every request.
Use npm install to install all the dependencies.
The service can be called in GET mode at the /cities-info endpoint with the following parameters:
cities -> comma separated cities, maximum 5. ex: milan,padua,bologna,new york,madrid
weather -> desired type of weather data set, also separated by comma. Accepted parameters: hourly,minutely,daily,current,alerts Default: daily, current
businesses_sort -> sorting mode of the businesses of the city. Accepted parameters: match, rating, review, distance. Default: rating
Example of request: https://yoursite/v1/cities-info?cities=milano,padova,bologna,venezia,madrid&weather=daily&businesses_sort=distance
The service response is an array of objects (one for each requested city) containing this information: [ { {location: lat, lon, city_name}, {weather: [weather info]} {businesses: [businesses info]} } ]