OpenShift Platform Administrator repository
This is typically focused on getting the Openshift cluster bootstrapped and configured with the necesarry components to run applications.
Starts as 1 repo:1 cluster, but can be modified for multiple clusters.
Folder structure
- cluster-config bootstrap - argo-applications - argo-projects - base - overlays components - argocd-config - sealed-secrets - argocd-projects - argocd-applications platform-services
- in case we need to add some services as service mesh, operators, etc data-services
- in case we need to add data services like redis, sql, etc in bootstrap
NOTE: Applications are refernced to other project (now on AzureDevops.. to change to github)
This repo uses sealed secrets.
Sealed Secrets repo:
Sealed secrets can be used: There are a number of use-cases where this is a really great concept.
GitOps - Storing your YAML manifests in Git and using GitOps tools to sync the manifests to your clusters (For example Flux and ArgoCD!)
Giving a team access to secrets without revealing the secret material.
Install Secret Sealed Controller (Boostrap) Install kubeseal:
Secret Sealed is installed in the namespace "sealed-secrets".
To seal credentials: kubeseal -f creds.yaml --controller-name sealed-secrets --controller-namespace sealed-secrets -o yaml > test.yaml kubectl apply -f test.yaml
Build basic bootstrap (if helm chart are in the recipes) kustomize build --enable-helm bootstrap/overlays/sandbox/
Apply kustomize build --enable-helm bootstrap/overlays/sandbox/ | kubectl apply -f -
If there is no Helm Chart kubetcl -k /bootstrap/overlays/sandbox
cluster-config -> Kustomize managged bootstrap - base - overlays components applications (set argo cd apps) applications platform-services data-services (argo cd managed)