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Deploys the FluxCD toolkit on Kubernetes and stores the manifests in an existing GitHub repository.

Note: If using the default settings, this module will generate an SSH key pair and the public key will be added to the existing GitHub repository. This key pair will be stored unencrypted in the Terraform state. Make sure that only authorized users have direct access to the Terraform state.

It is highly recommended to use a remote state backend supporting encryption at rest. See References for more information.

See the examples to use an externally generated key instead.



provider "github" {
  token = var.github_token
  owner = var.github_owner

provider "kubernetes" {
  config_path    = "~/.kube/config"
  config_context = "my-context"

module "fluxcd" {
  source                  = ""
  git_repository_name     = "k8s-fleet"
  git_branch              = "main"
  git_target_path         = "clusters/your-cluster"
  github_owner            = "your-github-name"
  github_deploy_key_title = "flux-your-cluster"

If using an externally generated deploy key, first add the deploy public key to the GitHub repository (see instructions). Then create a Kubernetes secret with the contents below:

kubectl create secret generic \
    flux-system \
    --namespace flux-system \
    --from-file=identity \ \

The key files must be named identity (private key) and (public key).

After creating the secret, pass its name to the module:

module "fluxcd" {
  source                  = ""
  git_repository_name     = "k8s-fleet"
  git_branch              = "main"
  git_target_path         = "clusters/your-cluster"
  github_owner            = "your-github-name"
  github_deploy_key_title = "flux-your-cluster"
  create_deploy_key       = false
  flux_sync_secret_name   = "flux-system" ## --> name of the Kubernetes secret containing your deploy key


Name Description Type Default Required
create_deploy_key Create the GitHub deploy key? bool true no
create_namespace Create the Kubernetes namespace? bool true no
flux_image_pull_secrets Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry string "" no
flux_install_components Toolkit components to include in the install manifests list(string)
flux_install_components_extra List of extra components to include in the install manifests list(string) [] no
flux_install_network_policy Deny ingress access to the toolkit controllers from other namespaces using network policies? bool true no
flux_install_toleration_keys List of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching tailist list(string) [] no
flux_log_level Log level for Flux toolkit components string "info" no
flux_registry Container registry from where the Flux toolkit images are pulled string "" no
flux_resources_name The name of generated Kubernetes resources string "flux-system" no
flux_secret_name The name of the secret that is referenced by GitRepository, used by flux to deploy to the git repository string "flux-system" no
flux_sync_interval_minutes Sync interval in minutes number 1 no
flux_version FluxCD version; defaults to the latest available string null no
flux_watch_all_namespaces Watch for custom resources in all namespaces? bool true no
git_branch Git branch string "main" no
git_repository_name Name of the Git repository to store the FluxCD manifests string n/a yes
git_target_path Target path for storing FluxCD manifests in the Git repository string "." no
github_deploy_key_readonly Set the GitHub deploy key as read-only? bool true no
github_deploy_key_title GitHub deploy key title string "flux" no
github_owner GitHub owner string n/a yes
github_ssh_domain Domain to use for SSH to GitHub string "" no
github_ssh_known_hosts_file Path to a temporary file used to store GitHub's known hosts during the deployment string "/tmp/github_known_hosts" no
k8s_cluster_domain The internal cluster domain string "cluster.local" no
k8s_namespace Name of the Kubernetes namespace where the resources will be deployed string "flux-system" no
k8s_namespace_annotations Annotations to apply to the Kubernetes namespace when it is created map(string) {} no
k8s_namespace_labels Labels to apply to the Kubernetes namespace when it is created map(string) {} no


No modules.


Name Description
deploy_key SSH key added to the GitHub repository
github_repository GitHub repository used by flux
known_hosts Known hosts for GitHub's SSH domain
namespace The name ( of the namespace


Name Version
flux 1.0.0-rc.1
github ~> 5.0
kubectl ~> 1.14
kubernetes ~> 2.16
local ~> 2.2
null ~> 3.2
tls ~> 4.0


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.3
flux 1.0.0-rc.1
github ~> 5.0
kubectl ~> 1.14
kubernetes ~> 2.16
local ~> 2.2
null ~> 3.2
tls ~> 4.0


Name Type
github_repository_deploy_key.this resource
github_repository_file.install resource
github_repository_file.kustomize resource
github_repository_file.sync resource
kubectl_manifest.install resource
kubectl_manifest.sync resource
kubernetes_namespace.flux resource
kubernetes_secret.flux_ssh resource
null_resource.k8s_namespace resource
null_resource.ssh_scan resource
tls_private_key.this resource
flux_install.this data source
flux_sync.this data source
github_repository.this data source
kubectl_file_documents.install data source
kubectl_file_documents.sync data source
local_file.known_hosts data source


Andre Silva - @andreswebs


This project is licensed under the Unlicense.




Deploys the FluxCD toolkit on Kubernetes and stores the manifests in an existing GitHub repository




Security policy



