Pattern match like a boss.
// Use `Regex.init(_:)` to build a regex from a static pattern
let greeting = Regex("hello (world|universe)")
// Use `Regex.init(string:)` to construct a regex from dynamic data, and
// gracefully handle invalid input
var validations: [String: Regex]
for (name, pattern) in config.loadValidations() {
do {
validations[name] = try Regex(string: pattern)
} catch {
print("error building validation \(name): \(error)")
if greeting.matches("hello universe!") {
print("wow, you're friendly!")
Pattern match:
switch someTextFromTheInternet {
case Regex("DROP DATABASE (.+)"):
// TODO: patch security hole
let greeting = Regex("hello (world|universe|swift)")
if let subject = greeting.match("hello swift")?.captures[0] {
print("ohai \(subject)")
Find and replace:
"hello world".replacingFirstMatching("h(ello) (\\w+)", with: "H$1, $2!")
// "Hello, world!"
Accessing the last match:
switch text {
case Regex("hello (\\w+)"):
if let friend = Regex.lastMatch?.captures[0] {
print("lovely to meet you, \(friend)!")
case Regex("goodbye (\\w+)"):
if let traitor = Regex.lastMatch?.captures[0] {
print("so sorry to see you go, \(traitor)!")
let totallyUniqueExamples = Regex("^(hello|foo).*$", options: [.IgnoreCase, .AnchorsMatchLines])
let multilineText = "hello world\ngoodbye world\nFOOBAR\n"
let matchingLines = totallyUniqueExamples.allMatches(multilineText).map { $0.matchedString }
// ["hello world", "FOOBAR"]
Add a dependency to your Package.swift
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
// other dependencies...
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 4),
Put this in your Cartfile:
github "sharplet/Regex" ~> 0.4
Put this in your Podfile:
pod "STRegex", "~> 0.4.0"
Development is currently only supported on Mac OS X. An Xcode project is provided for your convenience.
Regex depends on Carthage for development:
$ brew update && brew install carthage
Regex uses SwiftLint to validate code style. SwiftLint is automatically run against pull requests using Hound CI.
To enable SwiftLint warnings in Xcode, just make sure it's installed and available on Xcode's PATH:
$ brew install swiftlint
is also recommended, for prettifying test output:
$ gem install xcpretty
After cloning the project, first set up your environment:
$ rake setup
Build and run the tests to ensure everything works:
$ rake
See LICENSE.txt.