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Andrew Sage edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the slackbot wiki!

Using it in your own code

Simple steps to run to use the code in your own project:

mkdir bottest
cd bottest
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install codethecity-slackbot

Create a simple trial program by creating a file called

from slackbot.slackbot import SlackBot

print("I need pizza")

Run it:


It should display:

I need pizza

Once finished, to shut down the virtual environment use:


Using the source code

Steps I took to get it running with copy of source code:

mkdir bottest
cd bottest
git clone
cd slackbot
python develop
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install codethecity-slackbot
pip install -r requirements.txt
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