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Wrapper: Java

Andrews Sobral edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 6 revisions

For Windows users

Running CMAKE with Visual Studio 2015 and OpenCV 3.2.0 (x64)

    • Working directory: bgslibrary\wrapper_java
:: Set OpenCV env
echo "Setting up OpenCV env"
set OpenCV_DIR=C:\OpenCV3.2.0\build
set PATH=%PATH%;%OpenCV_DIR%\x64\vc14\bin

:: Run CMake
echo "Running CMake"
rmdir /S /Q build_cmake
if not exist "build_cmake" mkdir build_cmake
cd build_cmake
cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=%OpenCV_DIR% -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" ..
cd ..
  • Open libbgs_java_module.sln in your Visual Studio IDE and switch to RELEASE mode

  • Click on ALL_BUILD and build

  • Copy libbgs_java_module.dll to bgslibrary\wrapper_java

  • Copy opencv_java320.dll from C:\OpenCV3.2.0\build\java\x64 to bgslibrary\wrapper_java

  • Compile Java source

:: Compile
echo "Compiling"
javac -cp .;src/;libs/opencv-320.jar src/bgslibrary/
  • Run
:: Run
echo "Running Main class"
java -cp .;src/;libs/opencv-320.jar -Djava.library.path=. bgslibrary.Main


Generating JNI files (optional)

:: Generate JNI
cd src
echo "Generating JNI"
javah -cp .;../libs/opencv-320.jar bgslibrary.Main
cd ..

Video tutorial

  • The video tutorial below show all steps for compiling the Java wrapper for Windows users.
