(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.* - You are a Tech Lead now - What's next?
- 🌐 The Definition of a Tech Lead
- 📽️ What I wish I knew as a first time Tech Lead
- 📽️ Congrats! You're the tech lead - now what?
- 📽️ How to Take Great Engineers & Make Them Great Technical Leaders
- 📘 The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change
- 🌐 5 Engineering Manager Archetypes
- 🌐 Manager Antipatterns
- 📽️ The surprising truth about what motivates us
- 📽️ Building and Motivating Engineering Teams
- 📽️ An Explanation of DISC Profiling
- 📘 DevOps Handbook
- 🌐 DevOps Culture - The Three Ways: The Principles Underpinning DevOps
- 🌐 DevOps Culture - The Three Ways: A Principle-based DevOps Framework
- 🌐 DevOps Culture - Westrum organizational culture
- 🎧 The Idealcast with Gene Kim (Spotify)
- 🌐 DORA Metrics - Use Four Keys metrics to measure your DevOps performance
- 📘 Accelerate: The Science Behind Devops (DORA)
- 📽️ Spotify Engineering Culture (Part 1)
- 📽️ Spotify Engineering Culture (Part 2)
- 🌐 The Art of Misunderstanding & The 4 Sides Model of Communication
- 🌐 Feedback im Dreiklang - How to give Feedback (🇩🇪)
- 🌐 Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- 🌐 Workshop - Stop Starting, Start Finishing
- 📽️ Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell
- 📽️ Reduce WIP and increase Flow
- 📽️ How Kindergardeners Outperform CEOs
- 🌐 Pair Programming – So how good is it, really?
- 📽️ Retrospective Antipatterns
- 📘 The Pragmatic Programmer: journey to mastery
- 📘 Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- 📽️ Clean Code with Uncle Bob (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6)
- 📘 Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
- 📽 Software Design Principles and Best Practice