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Useful tools for reverse out of the box (Unix compatible)


  • JDK
  • Currently on Linux 32bit: zipalign must be set in PATH


Extra dependencies

  • wget
  • xmlstarlet
  • unzip

On Debian

$ apt-get install -y wget xmlstarlet unzip

On Fedora

$ dnf install -y wget xmlstarlet unzip

On Arch

$ pacman -S wget xmlstarlet unzip

On Mac OS

$ brew install wget xmlstarlet unzip

Config file

Don't lost to define the location of Android SDK


First setup or upgrade

$ bash


Decompile and move to _original available apk

$ bash
    -da    Include decompilation to smali code via Apktool
    -dj    Include decompilation to java code via JADX

Decompile available apk to smali code via Apktool

$ bash [optional args]
    -f,--force              Force delete destination directory.
    -o,--output <dir>       The name of folder that gets written. Default is apk.out
    -p,--frame-path <dir>   Uses framework files located in <dir>.
    -r,--no-res             Do not decode resources.
    -s,--no-src             Do not decode sources.
    -t,--frame-tag <tag>    Uses framework files tagged by <tag>.

Decompile available apk to java code via JADX

$ bash [optional args]
    -ds, --output-dir-src               - output directory for sources
    -dr, --output-dir-res               - output directory for resources
    -j, --threads-count                 - processing threads count
    -r, --no-res                        - do not decode resources
    -s, --no-src                        - do not decompile source code
    --single-class                      - decompile a single class
    --output-format                     - can be 'java' or 'json' (default: java)
    -e, --export-gradle                 - save as android gradle project
    --show-bad-code                     - show inconsistent code (incorrectly decompiled)
    --no-imports                        - disable use of imports, always write entire package name
    --no-debug-info                     - disable debug info
    --no-inline-anonymous               - disable anonymous classes inline
    --no-replace-consts                 - don't replace constant value with matching constant field
    --escape-unicode                    - escape non latin characters in strings (with \u)
    --respect-bytecode-access-modifiers - don't change original access modifiers
    --deobf                             - activate deobfuscation
    --deobf-min                         - min length of name, renamed if shorter (default: 3)
    --deobf-max                         - max length of name, renamed if longer (default: 64)
    --deobf-rewrite-cfg                 - force to save deobfuscation map
    --deobf-use-sourcename              - use source file name as class name alias
    --rename-flags                      - what to rename, comma-separated, 'case' for system case sensitivity, 'valid' for java identifiers, 'printable' characters, 'none' or 'all'
    --fs-case-sensitive                 - treat filesystem as case sensitive, false by default
    --cfg                               - save methods control flow graph to dot file
    --raw-cfg                           - save methods control flow graph (use raw instructions)
    -f, --fallback                      - make simple dump (using goto instead of 'if', 'for', etc)
    -v, --verbose                       - verbose output
    --version                           - print jadx version
    -h, --help                          - print this help


Build and run apk

$ bash [optional args]
    -ar            Restart ADB
    -i=<number>    Index of smali project in -n...-1 as DESC order or 1..+n as ASC order. Default is -1 which means last

Build apk from smali code via Apktool

$ bash [optional args]
    -i=<number>             Index of smali project in -n...-1 as DESC order or 1..+n as ASC order. Default is -1 which means last
    -f,--force-all          Skip changes detection and build all files.
    -o,--output <dir>       The name of apk that gets written. Default is dist/name.apk
    -p,--frame-path <dir>   Uses framework files located in <dir>.


Sign apk

$ bash [optional args]
    -i=<number>                       Index of smali project in -n...-1 as DESC order or 1..+n as ASC order. Default is -1 which means last
    -a,--apks <file/folder>           Can be a single apk or a folder containing multiple apks. These are used
                                      as source for zipalining/signing/verifying. It is also possible to
                                      provide multiple locations space seperated (can be mixed file folder):
                                      '/apk /apks2 my.apk'. Folder will be checked non-recursively.
       --allowResign                  If this flag is set, the tool will not show error on signed apks, but
                                      will sign them with the new certificate (therefore removing the old
       --debug                        Prints additional info for debugging.
       --dryRun                       Check what apks would be processed without actually doing anything.
    -h,--help                         Prints help docs.
       --ks <keystore>                The keystore file. If this isn't provided, will try to sign with a debug
                                      keystore. The debug keystore will be searched in the same dir as
                                      execution and 'user_home/.android' folder. If it is not found there a
                                      built-in keystore will be used for convenience. It is possible to pass
                                      one or multiple keystores. The syntax for multiple params is
                                      '<index>=<keystore>' for example: '1=keystore.jks'. Must match the
                                      parameters of --ksAlias.
       --ksAlias <alias>              The alias of the used key in the keystore. Must be provided if --ks is
                                      provided. It is possible to pass one or multiple aliases for multiple
                                      keystore configs. The syntax for multiple params is '<index>=<alias>'
                                      for example: '1=my-alias'. Must match the parameters of --ks.
       --ksDebug <keystore>           Same as --ks parameter but with a debug keystore. With this option the
                                      default keystore alias and passwords are used and any arguments relating
                                      to these parameter are ignored.
       --ksKeyPass <password>         The password for the key. If this is not provided, caller will get a
                                      user prompt to enter it. It is possible to pass one or multiple
                                      passwords for multiple keystore configs. The syntax for multiple params
                                      is '<index>=<password>'. Must match the parameters of --ks.
       --ksPass <password>            The password for the keystore. If this is not provided, caller will get
                                      a user prompt to enter it. It is possible to pass one or multiple
                                      passwords for multiple keystore configs. The syntax for multiple params
                                      is '<index>=<password>'. Must match the parameters of --ks.
    -o,--out <path>                   Where the aligned/signed apks will be copied to. Must be a folder. Will
                                      create, if it does not exist.
       --overwrite                    Will overwrite/delete the apks in-place
       --skipZipAlign                 Skips zipAlign process. Also affects verify.
    -v,--version                      Prints current version.
       --verbose                      Prints more output, especially useful for sign verify.
       --verifySha256 <cert-sha256>   Provide one or multiple sha256 in string hex representation (ignoring
                                      case) to let the tool check it against hashes of the APK's certificate
                                      and use it in the verify process. All given hashes must be present in
                                      the signature to verify e.g. if 2 hashes are given the apk must have 2
                                      signatures with exact these hashes (providing only one hash, even if it
                                      matches one cert, will fail).
    -y,--onlyVerify                   If this is passed, the signature and alignment is only verified.
       --zipAlignPath <path>          Pass your own zipalign executable. If this is omitted the built-in
                                      version is used (available for win, mac and linux)

Example for release sign

$ bash --ks release.jks --ksPass myPass --ksAlias myAlias --ksKeyPass myKeyPass

Install apk

$ bash [optional args]
    -i=<number> Index of smali project in -n...-1 as DESC order or 1..+n as ASC order. Default is -1 which means last
    -t: allow test packages
    -d: allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only)
    -p: partial application install (install-multiple only)
    -g: grant all runtime permissions
    --instant: cause the app to be installed as an ephemeral install app
    --no-streaming: always push APK to device and invoke Package Manager as separate steps
    --streaming: force streaming APK directly into Package Manager
    --fastdeploy: use fast deploy
    --no-fastdeploy: prevent use of fast deploy
    --force-agent: force update of deployment agent when using fast deploy
    --date-check-agent: update deployment agent when local version is newer and using fast deploy
    --version-check-agent: update deployment agent when local version has different version code and using fast deploy
    --local-agent: locate agent files from local source build (instead of SDK location)

Launch apk

Notice that app info will be parsed from decompiled AndroidManifest.xml

$ bash [optional args]
    -i=<number>    Index of smali project in -n...-1 as DESC order or 1..+n as ASC order. Default is -1 which means last


Hack sign via ApkSignatureKiller

Notice that this tool is only valid for those apps that only use packageManager.getPackageInfo(...).signatures to verify signatures

$ bash

Merge split apks via SplitPacker

$ bash [dir]


Useful tools for reverse out of the box (Unix compatible)








No releases published


No packages published