****Full Developer guide is located in IVA Confluence page:
- You need to Install Node.js
- On windows, download the installer from http://nodejs.org/download/
- On Mac, you can either download the installer from http://nodejs.org/download/ or if you use Homebrew, do
$ brew install node
- Once Node.js is installed, use Terminal to install grunt-cli using npm
- Then run npm install to download the dependencies for this project, cd to the same directory as this README.txt file
#####Compile The command grunt is used to compile the .hbs files to HTML files and will output the resulting built site to the web/ directory. To do a build, run
$ grunt
***Note**: You may need to run this command every time you modify the code.
There are two environments that you can use for building the site ***dev***, or ***prod***. The default environment is ***dev***. In order to change the target environment, please run
- ```sh
$ grunt --target=dev
$ grunt --target=prod
*Note: This will affect the navigations URLs from Veeva, because pages are hosted on two different enviroments, and each URL per slide are different.
#####Zip The command grunt zip is used to compile the project, take screenshots for all the slides, and compress each slide folder into a zip file. The output of this command will be on zip/ directory.
$ grunt zip
### Create a Slide/Page
For creating a new slide with *addNewSlide* file, please run this on your terminal
- ```sh
$ . addNewSlide <BRAND-NAME> <SLIDE-NAME>
Please note that the order of the parameters is important
> . addNewSlide stribild iva-stb-000-home <br>
All the code is inside src folder.
#####Shared Assets On this folder you will, find styles, images, javascripts, json of all the global layouts. #####Shared Data On this folder you will find, the whole menu/submenu configuration, as well as the root paths of all projects. #####Shared Layouts On this folder you will find, all the different handlebars layouts used on the site. You can create multiple layouts, and choose which one you want to use on each single page. #####All Pages All pages from the different brands are created inside this folder. #####Single Page Each single page is created on this folder, for further detail please check the section Create a Slide/Page #####Shared content among pages All the content that is repeated on almost all the pages like headers, menus, submenus, disclaimers are defined here. These files can be called/imported from the layouts or single pages. #####Configuration scripts All the files that nodejs, and grunt need to run the project are located here. #####Web folder Here you can find the compiled project after the grunt command #####Zip Folder Here you can find each slide of the project, zipped in separated files. This folder will be created after you run grunt zip command
All the slides must have the following file structure:
├── assets
├── ├── css
├── ├── ├── styles.css
├── ├── img
├── ├── js
├── ├── ├── slide.js
├── index.hbs
*Note: You can use this command to create the folder structure
#####index.hbs This file must have the layout variables ─at the top, that specify the features that grunt will render on the slide. This is a list of the most common used variables:
layout: It represents the layout that the content of the page will belong at. it puts the entire content into the specific container of each layout
menu_item: This is the name of the menu where the page belongs, it is mainly used to add an active state
sub_menu_options: The sub options that must be rendered, it is make like this way, since the same submenu can be reusable. it is used inside <%= %> because it is gotten from json configuration file, and it must be defined with that markers.
sub_menu_option_selected: Adds active state for the sub menu option selected.
isi: This is used to insert the ISI into a custom page, these values are keys from isi.json, where it value represents a key over the json file, you can type a single key, and it will display the current text, you can type a parent node, and it will display the text from the whole children, also "own" is a special key, where you can use it to append a custom ISI within the page, and "none" is used for avoid adding an ISI.
--- layout: study-design.hbs menu_item: efficacy sub_menu_options: <%=cfg.stribild.sub_nav_menu.efficacy%> sub_menu_option_selected: study design isi: isi-title,container-boxed-warning-start,boxed-warning,container-boxed-warning-end ide-header-logo : true ---
All compressed slides have the following structure:
├── assets
├── ├── css
├── ├── img
├── ├── js
├── index.html
├── thumb.png
Archiver v0.11.0
A streaming interface for archive generation
Documentation -
Assemble v0.4.42
Static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. Used by Zurb Foundation, Zurb Ink, H5BP/Effeckt, Less.js / lesscss.org, Topcoat, Web Experience Toolkit, and hundreds of other projects to build sites, themes, components, documentation, blogs and gh-pages.
Documentation -
async v0.9.0
Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
Documentation -
filewalker v0.1.2
Fast and rock-solid asynchronous traversing of directories and files for node.js
Documentation -
grunt v0.4.5
The JavaScript Task Runner
Documentation -
grunt-cache-breaker v1.0.1
Simple cache-breaker, appends a timestamp or md5 hash to any urls
Documentation -
grunt-config v0.2.2
Easy way to define specific target configuration.
Documentation -
grunt-contrib-clean v0.5.0
Clean files and folders.
Documentation -
grunt-contrib-copy v0.5.0
Copy files and folders.
Documentation -
grunt-contrib-watch v0.6.1
Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted.
Documentation -
grunt-phantomjs-screenshot v0.1.2
Takes screenshots of html files with phantomjs
Documentation -
grunt-shell v1.1.1
Run shell commands
Documentation -
mkdirp v0.5.0
Recursively mkdir, likemkdir -p
Documentation -
ncp v0.6.0
Asynchronous recursive file copy utility.
Documentation -
node-minify v0.11.1
Javascript / CSS minifier based on YUI Compressor / Google Closure Compiler / UglifyJS2 / Sqwish / Clean-css / CSSO
Documentation -
touch v0.0.3
like touch(1) in node