This is the beginnings of a graphical rogue-like game.
It will run in the browser, via HTML5/canvas and javascript. It is also planned to have a "native" version (a C or C++ binary which opens a window and renders the graphics).
The license is GNU GPL v3 (or any later version).
Planned stuff which will set it apart from other rogue-likes:
- control a party of several characters
- try to avoid "yet another stupid death" syndrome
- better NPC characters, chatting, trading of items
- no separate levels, the dungeon is one large playfield
- ability to type complex commands, like in text adventures
- no need to identify objects
Andrew Apted
Main tileset was made by Jerom (user of, which is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. Link:
The tileset was colorized (no mean feat!) by PriorBlue (user of Link:
I have merely repacked the colored tiles into a tileset and made some minor edits.
- get basic code structure in place [DONE]
- sort out the tileset [DONE]
- title screen, press a key to start [DONE]
- code to draw the text panel and add text to it [DONE]
- code to create a single room with player in it [DONE]
- code to render this map [DONE]
- allow player to move around the room with arrow keys [DONE]
- scroll map when needed (radar too)
- create larger map (60x60 tiles), multiple rooms, corridors
- draw some player stats (health, armor, gold, strength, wisdom)
- create a monster, have it move around
- monster can attack player and vice versa, can die
- ability for player to die
- decorative entities (drawn on corner of tiles)
- press '/' key to type in a command (e.g. yellow text)
- create a simple object, add to map, get it drawn
- ability to 'g' get an object
- inventory screen, highlight a current object, scrolling
- have small menu on inventory : 'd' drop, 'u' use, 'g' give, 't' throw 'w' wear, 'o' take off, etc.... [ woah too many! ]