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I copied this from an existing Gist because I liked the format. That author also referenced the others below.

I use "Oh My Tmux", the key bindings below use it as a baseline:

Some of these shortcuts reference aliases in my .zshrc file.

Introspection / General

Command Shortcut Description
:list-commands List all available tmux commands
:list-keys keys alias in shell show list of all currently assigned keys
:display-panes prefix + q Show pane numbers
tmux list-sessions prefix + i Lists existing tmux sessions
sublime ~/.tmux.conf.local prefix + e Open up tmux config in an editor
source-file ~/.tmux.conf prefix + r Reload tmux configuration
xclip selection c echo "test" | clip Pipe output of command to clipboard using xclip
sublime ~/.zshrc profile alias in shell Open up ZSH config profile in Sublime editor

Session Management

Command Shortcut Description
tmux list-sessions prefix + i lists existing tmux sessions
tmux new -s session_name creates a new tmux session named session_name
tmux rename-session prefix + $ rename the current session
tmux attach -t session_name attaches to an existing tmux session named session_name
tmux detach prefix + d detach the currently attached session
resurrect save prefix + Ctrl-s Save the entire session, windows, panes, etc. to disk
resurrect restore prefix + Ctrl-r Restore session from disk. Not sure how to select among saves


Command Shortcut Description
tmux next-window prefix + n go to the next window
tmux previous-window prefix + p go to the previous window
tmux new-window prefix + c create a new window
tmux swap-window Ctrl + shift + LR Change window ordering Left / Right
tmux select-window -t :0-9 prefix + 0-9 move to the window based on index
tmux rename-window prefix + , rename the current window
tmux find-window prefix + f find window from matching text (e.g. the window name)
tmux last-window prefix + tab jump to the last used window
tmux kill-window prefix + & kill the current window


Command Shortcut Description
tmux split-window prefix + " or | or ' splits the window into two vertical panes
tmux split-window -h (prefix + % or - splits the window into two horizontal panes
tmux swap-pane -[UDLR] prefix + { or } | < or > swaps pane with another in the specified direction
tmux select-pane -[UDLR] prefix + arrow-key selects the next pane in the specified direction
tmux select-pane -t :.+ prefix + o selects the next pane in numerical order
tmux display-panes prefix + q show pane numbers
tmux display-panes prefix + q [0-9] select pane by number - you gotta be quick though =)
tmux kill-pane prefix + x kill current pane
tmux break-pane prefix + ! breakout the pane into its own new window
tmux join-pane prefix + s send pane TO window number
tmux join-pane prefix + j join pane FROM window number
yank line prefix + y Uses yank plugin to copy command line to the clipboard
yank pwd prefix + Y Uses yank plugin to PWD to clipboard
tmux respawn-pane -k repane alias in shell Reload a new shell in the current pane. To get new aliases loaded and stuff.

Copy mode

Command Shortcut Description
tmux copy-mode prefix + [ Enter copy mode
tmux choose-buffer prefix + =] Choose a buffer to paste from
tmux list-buffers prefix + '+' Faster viewing buffer list
copy-pipe y yank the selected text to a buffer and clipboard
copy-pipe-and-cancel Y copied text pasted to command prompt & buffer - NO clipboard
copy-line Triple-Click (Mouse) Select full line
/ Search from the start of the entire pane buffer.
? Search backward
g Go to top line
G Go to last line
PgUp Page Up
PgDown Page Down
q Quit copy-mode
tmux save-buffer buf.txt Save buffer contents to buf.txt
tmux capture-pane Don't do this, use the logging plugin instead (see below)

Logging (Plugin-based)

Command Shortcut Description
prefix + shift + p Capture entire pane's history to file
prefix + alt + shift + p Start/stop logging of the current pane
prefix + alt + p Screen capture the current pane (ONLY visible)

Helpful links

Helpful man page screenshots


Just use the logging plugin! I've got it loaded :) "Prefix + Shift + p"

Capture pane to file

Prefix + : to get the Tmux command prompt, then:

capture-pane -S -
save-buffer ~/buffname.txt


My personal tmux cheat sheet







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