cscript programming language prototype
- import statement
- var declairation
- let declairation
- if statement
- for statement
- while statement
- do|while statement
- switch|case statement
- try/except/finally statement
- print (print is a statement here.)
- class declairation
- continue statement
- break statement
- enum declairation
- function declairation
- function expression
- statement block
- expression statement
- CSObject(Hashmap based)
- CSInteger
- CSDouble
- CSString
- CSBoolean(to be re-implemented using singleton)
- CSNullType(to be re-implemented using singleton)
- CSArray
- CSMap
- CSCallable
- CSClass
- CSClassInstance
- CSClassBoundMethod
- CSBound
- CSException
- CSTypeError
- CSAttributeError
- CSIndexError
- operator overloading(few)
- Rewrite evaluator|status:finished
- fix grabage collector|status:fixed -> mark/sweep
- fix try/except/finally
- fix recursion error when str/toString|status:fixed
- fix parser is confused with operator (+) and string "+"
- example
2 "+" 2 = 4
^^^ -- should error because string was used instead of (+). - status: fixed
- example
2 "+" 2 = 4
- add super capablility
- fix adding bound