Svelte ISBN barcode scanner and search App (view site)
Work in progress.
- Change API to OpenLibrary from ISBN DB
- Add library feature
- Add user settings feature
- Store library and user settings (IndexedDB or FaunaDB)
- Fix browser compatability issues
JAMstack ISBN barcode reader and search app, using ISBN DB API for fetching book information, from ISBN or author name. Netlify functions (AWS Lambda) are used to connect the frontend with the backend APIs. Snowpack was used as the build tool.
NPM packages can be installed after clone by running:
npm install
To enable use without Netlify CLI, I've left the original API fetch function in src/api/no-functions, which can be used by changing the API function like so, in ScannerISBN, SearchAuthor & SearchISBN components (src/components - scanning & searching):
- from:
import getBookDetails from '../../api/getBookDetails';
- to:
import getBookDetails from '../../api/no-functions/getBookDetails';
.env file will then need: SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_ISBN_DB_KEY=45341_...
Build requires Netlify CLI.
npm install netlify-cli -g
Install Netlify CLI.
netlify login
Authorise Netlify CLI with Netlify account.
netlify init
Create and Connect a Netlify site. I connected manually intially, during development and later connected the site to a GitHub repo.
Development & build settings are already entered, with comments, in the netlify.toml file.
.env & evironment variables
Environment variables were set in a .env file and in the Netlify site build & deploy settings: ISBN_DB_KEY=YOUR_KEY
netlify dev
Calls npm run dev and serves the Svelte app at http://localhost:8888. Snowpack dev server (npm run start), uses http://localhost:8080 and Netlify CLI acts a proxy for the netlify functions. netlify.toml shows this in the settings under
Runs the Netlify development server (http://localhost:8888) and acts as a proxy for the netlify functions and the Snowpack app in development mode (http://localhost:8080).
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds a static copy of your site to the build/
folder and uses Rollup to bundle.
For the best production performance: Add a build bundler plugin like @snowpack/plugin-webpack or snowpack-plugin-rollup-bundle to your snowpack.config.json
config file. This App uses snowpack-plugin-rollup.