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This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.

This tap:



  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/customers/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: currency, payment_terms, parent
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: modified__gte, modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/contracts/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: parent_id, payment_terms, customer, register
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: modified__gte, modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/invoices/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: contract, item, transaction,
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: auditentry__modified__gte, auditentry__modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/items/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: asset_account, billing_method, income_account, liability_account, revenue_recognition_method,
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: modified__gte, modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/transactions/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: autorenewal_profile, billing_method, contract, item, renew_using_item,
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: auditentry__modified__gte, auditentry__modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/billing_descriptions/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/accounts/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/auto_renewal_profiles/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/billing_methods/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/country_codes/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/currency_codes/
  • Primary key fields: code
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/payment_terms/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/registers/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: modified__gte, modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/revenue_entries/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: transaction
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark query fields: modified__gte, modified__lte
    • Bookmark: modified (date-time)
  • Transformations: none


  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/revenue_recognition_methods/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: none

sales_orders and sales_order_line_items

  • Endpoint: https://{server_subdomain}{account_name}/api/v1.0/sales_orders/
  • Primary key fields: id
  • Foreign key fields: none
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: created (date-time)
    • RECOMMENDATION: Include in initial load, then deactivate this endpoint. This table/endpoint contains historical sales orders only. It may contain A LOT of records that never/rarely change.
  • Transformations: none

Quick Start

  1. Install

    Clone this repository, and then install using We recommend using a virtualenv:

    > virtualenv -p python3 venv
    > source venv/bin/activate
    > python install
    > cd .../tap-saasoptics
    > pip install .
  2. Dependent libraries The following dependent libraries were installed.

    > pip install singer-python
    > pip install singer-tools
    > pip install target-stitch
    > pip install target-json
  3. Create your tap's config.json file. The server_subdomain is everything before in the SaaSOptics URL. The account_name is everything between and api in the SaaSOptics URL. The date_window_size is the integer number of days (between the from and to dates) for date-windowing through the date-filtered endpoints (default = 60).

        "token": "YOUR_API_TOKEN",
        "account_name": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME",
        "server_subdomain": "YOUR_SERVER_SUBDOMAIN",
        "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "user_agent": "tap-saasoptics <>",
        "date_window_size": "60"

    Optionally, also create a state.json file. currently_syncing is an optional attribute used for identifying the last object to be synced in case the job is interrupted mid-stream. The next run would begin where the last job left off.

        "currently_syncing": "registers",
        "bookmarks": {
            "customers": "2019-06-11T13:37:51Z",
            "contracts": "2019-06-19T19:48:42Z",
            "invoices": "2019-06-18T18:23:53Z",
            "items": "2019-06-20T00:52:44Z",
            "transactions": "2019-06-19T19:48:45Z",
            "registers": "2019-06-11T13:37:56Z",
            "revenue_entries": "2019-06-19T19:48:47Z"
  4. Run the Tap in Discovery Mode This creates a catalog.json for selecting objects/fields to integrate:

    tap-saasoptics --config config.json --discover > catalog.json

    See the Singer docs on discovery mode here.

  5. Run the Tap in Sync Mode (with catalog) and write out to state file

    For Sync mode:

    > tap-saasoptics --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To load to json files to verify outputs:

    > tap-saasoptics --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To pseudo-load to Stitch Import API with dry run:

    > tap-saasoptics --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-stitch --config target_config.json --dry-run > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
  6. Test the Tap

    While developing the saasoptics tap, the following utilities were run in accordance with best practices: Pylint to improve code quality:

    > pylint tap_saasoptics -d missing-docstring -d logging-format-interpolation -d too-many-locals -d too-many-arguments

    Pylint test resulted in the following score:

    Your code has been rated at 9.83/10

    To check the tap and verify working:

    > tap-saasoptics --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | singer-check-tap > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    Check tap resulted in the following:

    The output is valid.
    It contained 8240 messages for 16 streams.
        16 schema messages
    8108 record messages
        116 state messages
    Details by stream:
    | stream                      | records | schemas |
    | billing_methods             | 23      | 1       |
    | contracts                   | 49      | 1       |
    | sales_orders                | 223     | 1       |
    | auto_renewal_profiles       | 6       | 1       |
    | invoices                    | 182     | 1       |
    | payment_terms               | 15      | 1       |
    | currency_codes              | 153     | 1       |
    | customers                   | 190     | 1       |
    | billing_descriptions        | 8       | 1       |
    | transactions                | 550     | 1       |
    | registers                   | 0       | 1       |
    | accounts                    | 356     | 1       |
    | country_codes               | 250     | 1       |
    | revenue_recognition_methods | 27      | 1       |
    | revenue_entries             | 6003    | 1       |
    | items                       | 73      | 1       |

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