This project contains documentation for the EHRI portal administration features, plus technical docs relating to tool development and maintenance.
To update these docs you can either:
- make changes directly on Github (ask for the repo rights first)
- or, for more significant changes, checkout the code and build the site locally, then create a pull request
To do this you need to install the Python dependencies:
pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
To then generate the HTML like so:
cd docs
make html
Then you can open this page in your browser: docs/_build/html/index.html
If using Linux you can continuously rebuild these docs while making changes by doing something
like this from within the docs
while inotifywait -r --exclude _build *; do
make html
On push to the master branch a webhook is set up at to make the site available at
If you see any problems, inaccuracies, or things that need updating feel free to open an issue on Github.