- Website: terraform.io
- Tutorials: learn.hashicorp.com
- Chat: gitter
- Mailing List: Google Groups
- Contact: opensource@anexia-it.com
This provider is maintained internally by the Anexia Cloud team.
Full documentation is available under docs/
Run the following command to build the provider
go build -o terraform-provider-anxcloud
make build
First, build and install the provider.
make install
Then, run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.
terraform init && terraform apply
Execute the following command to run unit tests:
make test
by executing:
export ANEXIA_TOKEN='<token>'
and run all integration tests by executing the following command:
make testacc
or run specific test case:
make testacc TESTARGS='-run=TestAccXXX'
To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines: Contributing to Terraform - Anexia Cloud Provider
- Create pull request with entries from Unreleased section moved into a newly created release section in CHANGELOG.md
- Draft GitHub release with new changes in the description and configured to create a tag with the new version number on publish
- Merge previously created pull request into main
- Publish prepared release
- That's it!
will do the rest. Terraform registry will be automatically notified after binaries have been built via webhook.
=> The release workflow will create the release
To run integration tests from fork repositories maintainer must carefully check changes that a PR is trying to make. It is the maintainer's responsibility to avoid secrets leak.
Integration tests are executed as part of the workflow, which has to be approved for outside collaborators.