Voice Notes is a simple memo software with texts and voice recordings. You are able to save the recordings as MP3 format or texts.
Build-Depends:debhelper (>= 11),cmake,qttools5-dev-tools,libutf8proc-dev,qtbase5-dev,pkg-config,libsqlite3-dev,qtbase5-private-dev,libglib2.0-dev,libdtkwidget-dev,libdtkwidget5-bin,libdtkcore5-bin,libdframeworkdbus-dev,libgstreamer1.0-dev,libvlc-dev,libvlccore-dev,libgtest-dev
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- sudo make install
- Voice Notes Settings's configure save at:
Any usage issues can ask for help via
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
- Contribution guide for developers. (English)
- 开发者代码贡献指南 (中文)
Deepin Voice Notes is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.