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Alien Monster So Long


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A basic 2D game where a character must collect all the collectibles and escape the map. The game uses the MiniLibX library for graphics.

📖 Description

You must create a basic 2D game in which a dolphin escapes Earth after eating some fish. Instead of a dolphin, fish, and the Earth, you can use any character, any collectible, and any place you want. Your project must comply with the following rules:

🎮 Game

  • The player’s goal is to collect every collectible present on the map, then escape choosing the shortest possible route.
  • The W, A, S, and D keys must be used to move the main character.
  • The player should be able to move in these 4 directions: up, down, left, right.
  • The player should not be able to move into walls.
  • At every move, the current number of movements must be displayed in the shell.
  • You have to use a 2D view (top-down or profile).
  • The game doesn’t have to be real-time.
  • Although the given examples show a dolphin theme, you can create the world you want.

🎨 Graphic Management

  • Your program has to display the image in a window.
  • The management of your window must remain smooth (changing to another window, minimizing, and so forth).
  • Pressing ESC must close the window and quit the program in a clean way.
  • Clicking on the cross on the window’s frame must close the window and quit the program in a clean way.
  • The use of the images of the MiniLibX is mandatory.

🗺️ Map

  • The map has to be constructed with 3 components: walls, collectibles, and free space.
  • The map can be composed of only these 5 characters:
    • 0 for an empty space,
    • 1 for a wall,
    • C for a collectible,
    • E for a map exit,
    • P for the player’s starting position.
  • The map must contain at least 1 exit, 1 collectible, and 1 starting position.
  • The map must contain only 1 starting position and 1 exit.
  • The map must be rectangular.
  • The map must be closed/surrounded by walls. If it’s not, the program must return an error.
  • You don’t have to check if there’s a valid path in the map.
  • You must be able to parse any kind of map, as long as it respects the above rules.
  • If any misconfiguration of any kind is encountered in the file, the program must exit in a clean way, and return "Error\n" followed by an explicit error message of your choice.

🚀 Usage

To compile the game, navigate to the files/ directory and run the following command:


This will generate an executable named so_long.

To launch the game, use the following command:

./so_long map.ber
  • map.ber is a map description file in the format *.ber.

✨ Features

  • Basic 2D game with a character, collectibles, and a map.
  • Player movement using W, A, S, D and arrow keys.
  • Collectibles must be collected to win the game.
  • Display of the current number of movements in the shell.
  • Clean window management with ESC key and window close button.
  • Map parsing and error handling.