CakePHP 2.x plugin for accessing Wordpress via XML-RPC.
As of the latest commit, the datasource allows the following functions:
- getPost($post_id, array $fields = array()) Retrieve a post
- getPosts(array $filter = array(), array $fields = array()) Retrieve list of posts
- newPost(array $post) Create a new post
- editPost($post_id, array $post) Edit an existing post
- deletePost($post_id) Delete an existing post
More functions coming soon. I plan to have all the methods in
- More detailed installation instructions
- Attempted to use CakePHP's unofficial Xmlrpc Source ( by extending it
- Create Post, Taxonomy, Comment and Users models inside the plugin
- Add more helper functions based on
- Add the CRUD methods for better integration with models
- PHP version: PHP 5.2+
- CakePHP version: Cakephp 2.x
- Wordpress 3.5+ Installation
Copy the plugin to your application plugins folder. Make sure the directory name is "WordpressSource"
Create a new datasource entry in your Config/database.php
public $wp = array( 'datasource' => 'WordpressSource.WordpressSource', 'host' => '', 'path' => '/xmlrpc.php', 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => '*******', 'blog_id' => 0 );
Add this line to the bottom of your app's Config/bootstrap.php
CakePlugin::load('WordpressSource', array('routes' => false, 'bootstrap' => false));
Make sure XML-RPC is turned on in your Wordpress installation. This is enabled by default in versions 3.5+
In your controller load the datasource directly
$this->WP = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('wp');
You now have access to the helper functions. See Examples for more details
Get the title of the last 5 modified blog posts that are published
$res = $this->WP->getPosts(array( 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'post', 'number' => 5, 'orderby' => 'post_modified', 'order' => 'desc', ), array( 'post_title' )); debug($res);
Master is currently stable. Refer to status for working functionalities. When submitting PRs, please use the development branch.
I decided to document the many limitations of the XML-RPC API with possible workarounds. I ask the community to please amend to this section any other limitations or solutions.
The API does not allow you to fetch a count of posts.
- Solution 1: when the Datasource calls for a count, set the 'number' parameter in the filters to 999,999. This itself sounds like a horrible idea and performances test will need to be done.
- Solution 2: when the Datasource calls for a count, set the 'number' parameter to a reasonable number and make multiple calls to get the total number.
- Solution 3: submit a PR to the codebase to add this obviously useful functionality
- Solution 4: create a Wordpress plugin that extends the XML-RPC API (
- Solution 5: use the Datasource to sync with a local database that would be more flexible using a DBOsource
The API does not allow you to filter by columns outside the documented columns ( Currently, all "non-registered" columns are simply ignored by the API.
- Solution 1: once we get a response, we can filter the array. We would also have to implement a proper "count" override since the count of data coming from the API would no longer be the sane as what the datasource returns.
- Solution 2: submit a PR to the codebase to add this obviously useful functionality
- Solution 3: create a Wordpress plugin that extends the XML-RPC API (
- Solution 4: use the Datasource to sync with a local database that would be more flexible using a DBOsource