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@alorenzen alorenzen released this 07 Aug 00:36
· 1351 commits to master since this release



Welcome to AngularDart v5.0.0, with full support for Dart 2. Please note that
this release is not compatible with older versions of Dart 1.XX. Additionally:

  • Dartium is no longer supported. Instead, use the new
  • Pub transformers are no longer used. Instead, use the new
    webdev CLI, or, for advanced
    users, the build_runner

More details of
changes to Dart 2 for web users are
available on our webiste.

Thanks, and enjoy AngularDart!

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection was enhanced greatly for 5.0.0, primarily around using
proper types (for Dart 2), and paths to enable much smaller code size (for

New features

  • Provider (and provide) are soft deprecated, and in their place are
    four new classes with more precise type signatures. Additionally, Provider
    now supports an optional type argument <T>, making it Provider<T>.

    • ValueProvider(Type, T) and ValueProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T)
      instead of Provider(typeOrToken, useValue: ...).

    • FactoryProvider(Type, T) and FactoryProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T) instead of Provider(typeOrToken, useFactory: ...).

    • ClassProvider(Type, useClass: T) and
      ClassProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, useClass: T) instead of
      Provider(typeOrToken, useClass: ...) or an implicit Type.

    • ExistingProvider(Type, T) and
      ExistingProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T) instead of
      Provider(typeOrToken, useExisting: ...).

  • OpaqueToken is now much more useful. Previously, it could be used to
    define a custom, non-Type to refer to something to be injected; commonly
    instead of types like String. For example, you might use an OpaqueToken
    to refer to the a URL to download a file from:

    const downloadUrl = OpaqueToken('downloadUrl');
      providers: [
        Provider(downloadUrl, useValue: ''),
    class Example {
      Example(@Inject(downloadUrl) String url) {
        // url == ''

    First, OpaqueToken adds an optional type argument, making
    OpaqueToken<T>. The type argument, T, should be used to refer to the
    Type of the object this token should be bound to:

    const downloadUrl = OpaqueToken<String>('downloadUrl');

    Coupled with the new named Provider classes and their .forToken named
    constructor (see below), you now also have a way to specify the type of
    providers using type inference:

      providers: [
        // This is now a Provider<String>.
        ValueProvider.forToken(downloadUrl, ''),

    Second, MultiToken<T> has been added, and it extends
    OpaqueToken<List<T>>. This is an idiomatic replacement for the now
    deprecated multi: true argument to the Provider constructor:

    const usPresidents = MultiToken<String>('usPresidents');
      providers: [
        ValueProvider.forToken(usPresidents, 'George'),
        ValueProvider.forToken(usPresidents, 'Abe'),
    class Example {
      Example(@Inject(usPresidents) List<String> names) {
        // names == ['George', 'Abe']

    Third, we heard feedback that the String-based name of tokens was
    insufficient for larger teams because the names could collide. Imagine 2
    different tokens being registered with a name of 'importantThing'! It is
    now possible (but optional) to extend either OpaqueToken or MultiToken
    to create scoped custom token names:

    class DownloadUrl extends OpaqueToken<String> {
      const DownloadUrl();
    class UsPresidents extends MultiToken<String> {
      const UsPresidents();
    class Example {
      providers: const [
        ValueProvider.forToken(DownloadUrl(), ''),
        ValueProvider.forToken(UsPresidents(), 'George'),
        ValueProvider.forToken(UsPresidents(), 'Abe'),

    Fourth, and finally, we'd like to repurpose @Inject in the future, and let
    you write less to inject tokens. So, OpaqueToken and MultiToken
    instances may now be used directly as annotations:

    class Example {
      Example(@DownloadUrl() String url, @UsPresidents() List<String> names) {
        // url == ''
        // names == ['George', 'Abe']
  • InjectorFactory, a function type definition of Injector Function([Injector parent]), was added and started to be used across the
    framework. It normally indicates the ability to create a new Injector
    instance with an optional parent.

  • A new annotation, @GenerateInjector, was added. It is now posibble to
    generate, at compile-time, a standalone InjectorFactory method for
    providers, without explicitly wrapping in an @Component:

    // example.dart
    import 'example.template.dart' as ng;
    final InjectorFactory rootInjector = ng.rootInjector$Injector;
  • Module has been added as a new, more-typed way to encapsulate a collection
    of Provider instances. This is an optional feature to use instead of
    nested const lists to represent shared providers. For example:

    const httpModule = [ /* Other providers and/or modules. */ ];
    const commonModule = [
      ClassProvider(AuthService, useClass: OAuthService),
      FactoryProvider.forToken(xsrfToken, useFactory: readXsrfToken),

    ... you can represent this with the new typed Module syntax:

    const httpModule = Module( /* ... Configuration ... */);
    const commonModule = Module(
      include: [httpModule],
      provide: [
        ClassProvider(AuthService, useClass: OAuthService),
        FactoryProvider.forToken(xsrfToken, useFactory: readXsrfToken),

    The advantages here are numerous:

    • Less ambiguity around ordering of providers. Engineers would tend to try
      and sort providers alphabetically, would of course, would lead to
      problems. Module specifically outlines that order is significant,
      and that include is processed before provide.

    • Module rejects using a Type implicitly as a ClassProvider. This
      removes additional ambiguity around supporting List<dynamic>, and
      while more verbose, should lead to more correct use.

    • Module tends to be more understandable by users of other dependency
      injection systems such as Guice or Dagger, and reads better than a
      const List (which is a very Dart-only idiom).

    NOTE: It is also possible to use Module in @GenerateInjector:

    final InjectorFactory exampleFromModule = ng.exampleFromModule$Injector;

    NOTE: It is also possible to use Module in ReflectiveInjector:

    // Using ReflectiveInjector is strongly not recommended for new code
    // due to adverse effects on code-size and runtime performance.
    final injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([

Breaking changes

  • OpaqueToken no longer overrides operator== or hashCode. In practice
    this should have no effect for most programs, but it does mean that
    effectively that only const instances of OpaqueToken (or MultiToken)
    are valid.

  • It is no longer valid to provide a token type of anything other than Type
    or an OpaqueToken (or MultiToken). In the past anything from aribtrary
    literals (such as a string - 'iAmAToken') or a custom const instance of
    a class were supported.

  • For defining whether a component or directive should provide itself for
    injection, Visibility.none has been renamed Visibility.local to make it
    more clear that it is accessable locally (within providers for example).

  • Classes annotated with @Component or @Directive are no longer treated
    like services annotated with @Injectable, and not accessible (by default)
    to ReflectiveInjector. @Injectable can always be added to these classes
    in order to return to the old behavior.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where calling get on an Injector injected in the context of
    an @Component or @Directive-annotated class and passing a second
    argument always returned null (instead of that second argument) if the
    token was not found.

  • Setting @Component(visibility: Visibility.none) no longer applies to
    providers, if any. Note that Visibility.none was always renamed
    Visibility.local in breaking changes above.

  • Fixed a bug where Provider(SomeType) was not parsed correctly as an
    implicit use of Provider(SomeType, useClass: SomeType).

  • Fixed a bug where <ReflectiveInjector>.get(X) would throw with a message
    of no provider found for X, even when the acutal cause was a missing
    downstream dependency Y. We now emit the correct message.

Other improvements

  • Some injection failures will display the chain of dependencies that were
    attempted before a token was not found ('X -> Y -> Z') in development
    mode. We are working on making sure this better error message shows up
    always but it is likely to slip until after the v5 release.

  • It is no longer a build warning to have an @Injectable-annotated service
    with more than one constructor. This was originally meant to keep injection
    from being too ambiguous, but there are understood patterns now (first
    constructor), and there is no alternative present yet. We may re-add this as
    a warning if there ends up being a mechanism to pick a constructor in the

  • It is no longer a build warning to have @Injectable-annotated services
    with named constructor parameters. While they are still not supported for
    injected, they were always successfully ignored in the past, and showing a
    warning to the user on every build served no purpose.

  • If a private class is annotated with @Injectable() the compiler fails. In
    practice this caused a compilation error later in DDC/Dart2JS, but now the
    AngularDart compiler will not emit invalid code.

  • Removed spurious/incorrect warnings about classes that are used as
    interfaces needing @Injectable (or needing to be non-abstract), which are
    wrong and confusing.

  • The compiler behind initReflector() has changed implementations and now
    uses fully-scoped import statements instead of trying to figure out the
    original scope (including import prefixes) of your source code. This was not
    intended to be a breaking change.

Components and Templates

New features

  • NgTemplateOutlet added ngTemplateOutletContext for setting local
    variables in an embedded view. These variables are assignable to template
    input variables declared using let, which can be bound within the
    template. See the NgTemplateOutlet documentation for examples.

  • Added a lifecycle event AfterChanges, which is similar to OnChanges, but
    with a much lower performance cost - it does not take any parameters and is
    suitable when you have multiple fields and you want to be notified when any
    of them change:

    class Comp implements AfterChanges {
      String field1;
      String field2;
      void ngAfterChanges() {
        print('Field1: $field1, Field2: $field2');
  • It is possible to directly request Element or HtmlElement types from
    content or view children instead of ElementRef (which is deprecated). For

      selector: 'uses-element',
      template: '<div #div>1</div>'
    class UsesElement {
      // Could also be HtmlElement.
      Element div;
  • Additionally, List<Element> and List<HtmlElement> for @ViewChildren
    and @ContentChildren no longer require read: Element, and the type is
    correctly inferred the same as a single child is.

  • Static properties and methods of a component may now be referenced without a
    receiver in the component's own template. For example:

    Before: ExampleComponent as receiver is necessary.

      selector: 'example',
      template: '<h1>{{ExampleComponent.title}}</h1>',
    class ExampleComponent {
      static String title;

    After: No receiver is necessary.

      selector: 'example',
      template: '<h1>{{title}}</h1>',
    class ExampleComponent {
      static String title;
  • @HostListener() can now automatically infer the const ['$event']
    parameter when it is omitted but the bound method has a single argument:

    class Comp {
      void onClick(MouseEvent e) {}
  • Added <ng-container>, an element for logical grouping that has no effect
    on layout. This enables use of the *-syntax for structural directives,
    without requiring the cost an HTML element.


      <template ngFor let-user [ngForOf]="users">
        <li *ngIf="user.visible">{{}}</li>


      <ng-container *ngFor="let user of users">
        <li *ngIf="user.visible">{{}}</li>
  • In dev mode only, an attribute named from is now added to each <style>
    tag whose value identifies the source file URL and name of the component
    from which the styles originate.

  • Support for the suffix .if for attribute bindings, both in a template and
    in a @HostBinding(). Accepts an expression of type bool, and adds an
    attribute if true, and removes it if false and closes

    <!-- These are identical -->
    <button [attr.disabled]="isDisabled ? '' : null"></button>
    <button [attr.disabled.if]="isDisabled"></button>
  • Add support for tear-offs in event handlers in the templates.

    BEFORE: <button (onClick)="clickHandler($event)">

    AFTER: <button (onClick)="clickHandler">

  • It is now possible to annotate parts of a template with
    @preserveWhitespace instead of opting into preserving whitespace for the
    entire template. [Closes #1295][#1295]:

      <div class="whitespace-sensitive" @preserveWhitespace>
  • A warning is produced if the compiler removes any elements (such as
    <script>) from your template. This may become an error in future versions
    of AngularDart.

  • A warning is produced if the selector provided to a query (such as
    @ViewChildren(...)) is invalid and will not produce any elements at
    runtime. NOTE: any unknown type is just ignored (it may still be
    invalid), and any invalid value throws a build error. For example:

    class A {
      // Might not be valid, but no warning.
      List<SomeArbitraryType> someTypes;
      // We throw a build error.
      List thisDoesNotWork;
  • Added support for named arguments in function calls in templates:

    <span>Hello {{getName(includeExclamationPoint: true)}}</span>

    NOTE: Because of the collision of syntax for both named arguments and
    pipes, any pipes used as the value of a named argument need to be wrapped
    in parentheses: func(namedArg: (pipeName | pipeVar:pipeVarValue)).

Breaking changes

  • We now have a new, more stricter template parser, which strictly requires
    double quotes ("...") versus single quotes, and in general enforces a
    stricter HTML-like syntax. It does produce better error messages than

  • We removed support for ngNonBindable in the new template syntax.

  • The fields inputs:, outputs:, and host: have been removed from
    @Directive(...) and @Component(...). It is expected to use the member
    annotations (@Input(), @Output(), @HostBinding(), @HostListener())

  • The default for @Component(preserveWhitespace: ...) is now true. Many
    improvements were put into the whitespace optimziation in order to make the
    results easier to understand and work around.

  • <AsyncPipe>.transform no longer returns the (now removed) WrappedValue
    when a transformed result changes, and relies on regular change detection.

  • Pipes no longer support private types in their transform method signature.
    This method's type is now used to generate a type annotation in the
    generated code, which can't import private types from another library.

  • Using @deferred no longer supports the legacy bootstrap processes. You
    must use runApp (or runAppAsync) to bootstrap the application without
    relying on initReflector().

  • <ComponentRef>.componentType always throws UnsupportedError, and will be
    removed in a later minor release. This removes our last invocation of
    .runtimeType, which has potentially severe code-size implications for some

  • QueryList for @ViewChildren and @ContentChildren has been removed, in
    favor of just a plain List that is replaced with a new instance when the
    children change (instead of requiring a custom collection and listener):

    class Comp {
      set viewChildren(List<ChildComponent> viewChildren) {
        // ...
      // Can also be a simple field.
      List<ChildComponent> contentChildren;
  • EventEmitter was removed in favor using Stream and StreamController.

  • COMMON_DIRECTIVES was renamed commonDirectives.

  • CORE_DIRECTIVES was renamed coreDirectives.

  • COMMON_PIPES was renamed commonPipes.

  • Private types can't be used in template collection literals bound to an
    input. This is a consequence of fixing a cast warning that is soon to be an
    error caused by the code generated for change detecting collection literals
    in templates. See #844 for more

  • SafeInnerHtmlDirective is no longer injectable.

  • The following types were never intended for external use and are no longer
    exported by package:angular/security.dart:

    • SafeHtmlImpl
    • SafeScriptImpl
    • SafeStyleImpl
    • SafeResourceUrlImpl
    • SafeUrlImpl
    • SafeValueImpl

    To mark a value as safe, users should inject DomSanitizationService and
    invoke the corresponding bypassSecurityTrust*() method, instead of
    constructing these types directly.

  • ComponentResolver was removed, and SlowComponentLoader was deprecated.

  • Methods in lifecycle hooks have void return type. This is breaking change
    if the override doesn't specify return type and uses return without any
    value. To fix add a void or Future<void> return type to the override:

    class MyComp implements OnInit {
      void ngOnInit() {
        // ...
  • Removed the rarely used template attribute syntax. Uses can be replaced
    with either the * micro-syntax, or a <template> element.


      <div template="ngFor let item of items; trackBy: trackById; let i=index">
        {{i}}: {{item}}


    <!-- * micro-syntax -->
    <div *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: trackById; let i=index">
      {{i}}: {{item}}
    <!-- <template> element -->
        {{i}}: {{item}}
  • It is now a compile error to implement both the DoCheck and OnChanges
    lifecycle interfaces. DoCheck will never fill in values for the Map in
    OnChanges, so this compile-error helps avoid bugs and directs the user to
    use DoCheck and AfterChanges instead.

  • Using a suffix/unit for the [*] syntax other than the newly
    introduced [] is now a compile-error. These binding suffixes
    were silently ignored (users were likely confused with [],
    which is supported).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where an @deferred components were still being linked to in

  • Fixed a bug where errors thrown in event listeners were sometimes uncaught
    by the framework and never forwarded to the ExceptionHandler.

  • Fixed a bug where DatePipe didn't format millisecondsSinceEpoch in the
    local time zone (consistent with how it formats DateTime).

  • Testability now includes ComponentState updates. Due to prior use of
    animationFrame callback, NgTestBed was not able to detect a stable

  • String literals bound in templates now support Unicode escapes of the form
    \u{?-??????}. This enables support for Unicode supplementary planes, which
    includes emojis!

  • Inheriting from a class that defines a @HostBinding() on a static member
    no longer causes the web compiler (Dartdevc or Dart2JS) to fail. We
    previously inherited these bindings and generated invalid Dart code. Given
    that static members are not inherited in the Dart language, it made sense to
    give a similar treatment to these annotations. Instance-level members are
    still inherited:

    class Base {
      static const hostTitle = 'Hello';
      final hostClass = 'fancy';
    // Will have DOM of <fancy-button class="fancy"> but *not* title="Hello".
      selector: 'fancy-button',
      template: '...',
    class FancyButton extends Base {}
  • Fixed a bug where a recursive type signature on a component or directive
    would cause a stack overflow. We don't support generic type arguments yet
    (the reified type is always dynamic), but the compiler no longer crashes.

  • Fails the build immediately if an element in a component's pipes list is

  • Fixed a bug where [] did not work on a static @HostBinding.

  • Implicit static tear-offs and field invocations are now supported:

      selector: 'example',
      template: '''
        <!-- Invoking an implicit static field. -->
        <!-- Binding an implicit static tear-off. -->
        <div [invoke]="tearOff"></div>
    class ExampleComponent {
      static String Function() field = () => 'Hello world';
      static String tearOff() => 'Hello world';

Other improvements

  • Types bound from generics are now properly resolved in a component when
    inheriting from a class with a generic type. For example, the following used
    to be untyped in the generated code:

    class Container<T> {
      T value;
    class StringContainerComponent implements Container<String> {}
  • Both ComponentFactory and ComponentRef now have a generic type parameter
    <T>, which is properly reified where T is the type of the component

  • The $implicit (iterable) value in *ngFor is now properly typed whenever
    possible. It was previously always typed as dynamic, which caused dynamic
    lookups/calls at runtime, and hid compilation errors.

  • The type of <EmbeddedViewRef>.rootNodes and <ViewRefImpl>.rootNodes has
    been tightened from List<dynamic> to List<Node> (where Node is from

  • A combination of compile errors and warnings are produced when it seem that
    template, templateUrl, style, or styleUrls are either incorrect or
    missing when required.

  • The compiler now reports an actionable error when an annotation is used on a
    private class member. We also report errors when various annotations are
    used improperly (but not in all cases yet).

  • The compiler optimizes *ngIf usages where the content is pure HTML.

  • The view compiler is able to tell when exports: [ ... ] in an @Component
    are static reads and are immutable (such as String). This allows us to
    optimize the generated code.

  • Some changes to how template files import 'dart:core' to accommodate
    analyzer changes that make 'dynamic' a member of 'dart:core'. These should
    not have user-visible effects.

  • Fixed a bug where many queries (@ViewChildren() and the like) generated
    additional runtime casts in production mode. Now in Dart2JS with
    --omit-implicit-checks the casts are removed.

  • Emits more optimized code when there are multiple data bindings in a row
    that are checked only once (such as final strings). Previously we
    generated redundant code.

  • Fixed an optimization issue when @ViewChild() or @ContentChild() was
    used on a nested element (i.e. inside a <template>). The code that was
    produced accidentally created two queries instead of one.

  • Improved error message for binding incorrectly typed event handlers. This
    moves the check from event dispatch time, to event subscription time,
    meaning it may be a breaking change if you had an incorrectly typed event
    handler bound to a output that never fired.

Application Bootstrap

New features

  • The process for starting your AngularDart application changed significantly:

    • For most applications, we now strongly recommend using the new runApp
      function. Instead of starting your application by passing the Type of
      an @Component-annotated class, you now pass a ComponentFactory,
      the generated code for a component:
    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
    import 'main.template.dart' as ng;
    void main() {
        selector: 'root',
        template: 'Hello World',
    class RootComponent {}

    To provide top-level services, use the createInjector parameter, and pass
    a generated InjectorFactory for a top-level annotated with

    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
    import 'main.template.dart' as ng;
    void main() {
      runApp(ng.RootComponentNgFactory, createInjector: rootInjector);
    class HelloService {
      void sayHello() => print('Hello!');
    final InjectorFactory rootInjector = ng.rootInjector$Injector;

    A major difference between runApp and previous bootstrapping code is the
    lack of the initReflector() method or call, which is no longer needed.
    That means using runApp disables the use of SlowComponentLoader and
    ReflectiveInjector, two APIs that require this extra runtime metadata.

    To enable use of these classes for migration purposes, use runAppLegacy:

    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
    // ignore: uri_has_not_been_generated
    import 'main.template.dart' as ng;
    void main() {
        createInjectorFromProviders: [
        initReflector: ng.initReflector,

    NOTE: initReflector and runAppLegacy disables tree-shaking on any
    class annotated with @Component or @Injectable. We strongly recommend
    migrating to the runApp pattern.

Breaking changes

  • The top-level function bootstrap was deleted. This function always threw a
    runtime exception since 5.0.0-alpha+5, and was a relic of when a code
    transformer rewrote it automatically as bootstrapStatic.

  • Dropped support for @AngularEntrypoint and rewriting entrypoints to
    automatically use initReflector() and bootstrapStatic. This is no longer
    supported in the new build system.

  • RenderComponentType is no longer part of the public API.

  • <ApplicationRef> .componentFactories, .componentTypes, .zone, and
    .registerBootstrapListener were removed; these were used internally by the
    legacy router and not intended to be part of the public API.


  • APP_INITIALIZER was removed. A similar functionality can be accomplished
    using the runAppAsync or runAppLegacyAsync functions with the
    beforeComponentCreated callback.

  • PlatformRef and PlatformRefImpl were removed.


New features

  • Added package:angular/meta.dart, a series of utilities for additional
    static analysis checks and/or functions to retain semantics for migration
    purposes, starting with castCallback1ForDirective and
    castCallback2ForDirective. These methods are only intended to be used as
    stop-gaps for the lack of generic support in AngularDart directives and

Breaking changes

  • <NgZone>.onStable has been renamed to onTurnDone.

  • <NgZone>.onUnstable has been renamed to onTurnStart.

  • The context parameter was removed from <TemplateRef>.createEmbeddedView.

  • The following relatively unused fields and functions were removed:

    • ErrorHandlingFn
    • UrlResolver
    • WrappedTimer
    • WrappedValue
    • ZeroArgFunction
    • appIdRandomProviderFactory
    • coreBootstrap
    • coreLoadAndBootstrap
    • createNgZone
    • createPlatform
    • disposePlatform
    • getPlatform
  • Running within the NgZone will no longer cause addtional turns to occur
    within it's parent's zone. <NgZone>.run() will now run inside the parent
    zone's run() function as opposed to the other way around.

  • The compilation mode --debug (sparingly used externally) is now no longer
    supported. Some flags and code paths in the compiler still check/support it
    but it will be removed entirely by the final release and should no longer be
    used. We will rely on assertion-based tree-shaking (from Dart2JS) going
    forward to emit debug-only conditional code.

Bug fixes

  • We longer invoke <ExceptionHandler>.call with a null exception.

Other improvements

  • Misspelled or otherwise erroneous annotations on classes now produce a more
    understandable error message, including the element that was annotated and
    the annotation that was not resolved.



New Features

  • Add AbstractControlGroup and AbstractNgForm to allow infrastructure to
    create their own form systems that can be backed by types such as a proto,
    or have different control group logic. Allow NgFormModel and NgControlGroup
    to work with abstract group.

  • reset method added to AbstractControl and AbstractControlDirective.

  • RequiredValidator now has a required input. This allows the required
    property to be toggled at runtime. Previously, this could only be set
    statically at compile time.

  • Control.invalid getter added.

  • Control.markAsPristine added. This will clear the dirty property.

  • Add ngDisabled input to all Control directives.

  • Add MemorizedForm directive. This is a form that will not remove controls
    if the control is taken out of the view, for example with a [NgIf].

  • Add disabled state to AbstractControl models. Note: This is not yet
    supported in the template-driven directives.

  • Add markAsUntouched method to AbstractControl.

  • Add a type annotation, T, to AbstractControl, which is tied to the type
    of value.

  • ControlGroup now extends AbstractControl<Map<String, dynamic>>.

  • ControlArray now extends AbstractControl<List>.

Breaking Changes

  • Use value from AbstractControl for valueChanges event instead of internal
    variable. Allows code to more easily subclass AbstractControl.

  • Remove deprecated NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR token. Use ngValueAccessor instead.

  • Abstract updateValue method added to AbstractControl. All subclasses of
    AbstractControl will need to implement this method.

  • NgControlName will no longer initialize with null if a value is
    specified by 'ngModel'.

  • The touched property of Controls is now propagated to parents /

  • NgControlGroup can no longer be injected directly. It can still be
    injected as a ControlContainer.

  • NgControlName and NgFormControl can no longer be injected directly. They
    can still be injected as a NgControl.

  • The following directives are no longer injectable:

    • CheckboxControlValueAccessor
    • DefaultValueAccnessor
    • MaxLengthValidator
    • MinLengthValidator
    • NgControlStatus
    • NgSelectOption
    • NumberValueAccessor
    • PatternValidator
    • RadioControlValueAccessor
    • RequiredValidator
  • Add ControlValueAccessor.onDisabledChanged() method. All implementations
    of ControlValueAccessor need to add this method.

  • Remove include and exclude methods from ControlGroup. These can be
    replaced with calls to markAsEnabled and markAsDisabled instead.

    Before: controlGroup.include('foo');

    After: controlGroup.controls['foo'].markAsEnabled();

  • CheckboxControlValueAccessor now implements ControlValueAccessor<bool>
    and RadioControlValueAccessor now implements
    ControlValueAccessor<RadioButtonState>. Previously, they were both

  • Remove optionals param from ControlGroup constructor. This has been
    replaced by disabled state for all Controls. See
    #1037 for more details.

  • AbstractControl.find now only accepts a String. To supply a list, use
    AbstractControl.findPath instead. Also, for find or findPath,
    ControlArray index is now calling int.parse instead of expecting a raw

  • Properly typed the generic parameter on subclasses of
    AbstractControlDirective. Now, NgControl.control will return a
    Control, and ControlContainer.control will return a ControlGroup.
    There may be some unnecessary casts that can now be cleaned up.

  • FormBuilder instance methods group, control, and array have been
    removed. For FormBuilder.control, just call new Control(value, validator) directly. For and FormBuilder.array, use
    the static methods FormBuilder.controlGroup and
    FormBuilder.controlArray, respectively. FormBuilder is no longer

  • Changed type of AbstractControl.statusChanges from Stream<dynamic> to
    Stream<String>. This now matches the type for AbstractControl.status,
    which as always been a String.

  • Allow expressions for maxlength/minlength validators. Breaking change does
    not support string values for maxlength/minlength anymore. minlength="12"
    now should be written [minlength]="12"

Bug fixes

  • Add a not selector to ngForm for memorizedForm since memorized_form is now
    in angular_forms. This fixes the DIRECTIVE_EXPORTED_BY_AMBIGIOUS error when
    using: <form #form="ngForm" memorizedForm>

  • Don't throw a null pointer exception in NgFormModel if a directives asks for
    a Control value before the form is initialized.



New Features

  • Supported FutureOr<void> for beforeChangeDetection.

  • NgZoneStabilizer waits for the longest pending timer during update().

  • Added isStable API to NgTestStabilizer.

  • Made NgTestStabilizerFactory public.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed throwsInAngular. Use throwsA.

  • Removed NgTestFixture#query/queryAll, as debug-mode is being turned down.

  • Run DelegatingNgTestStabilizer stabilizers one by one instead of run all
    at once. update() for each stabilizers will be run at least once. After
    that, it will only be run if the current stabilizer is not stable.

  • pub run angular_test was entirely removed. Similar functionality is
    supported out of the box by build_runner:

$ pub run build_runner test
  • Removed built-in support for package:pageloader. The current version of
    pageloader relies on dart:mirrors, which is being removed from the web
    compilers (dart2js, dartdevc). There is a new version of pageloader in
    development that uses code generation. We'll consider re-adding support once
    available or through another package (i.e. angular_pageloader or similar).

  • Adding stabilizers to NgTestBed now takes a factory function of type
    NgTestStabilizer Function(Injector), which is aliased as
    NgTestStabilizerFactory. This allows using NgTestBed without any dynamic
    reflective factories (i.e. initReflector()) and doesn't have impact to
    most users.

Bug Fixes

  • Deleted an unnecessary hostElement.append(componentRef.location).

  • Fixed a bug where a WillNeverStabilizeError was thrown whenever there was
    a non-zero length Timer being executed. This was due to a bug in how the
    NgStabilizer was executing - constantly calling the update function
    instead of calling it once and waiting for stabilization.

  • Fixed a bug where stabilizers are considered stable even when some of them
    are not.

  • Fixed a bug where _createDynamic does not preserve rootInjector.

  • Added NgTestBed.forComponent, which takes a ComponentFactory<T>, and
    optionally an InjectorFactory. This allows writing tests entirely free of
    any invocations of initReflector().



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 5.0.


## 0.4.0

New Features

  • Added TypedElement to represent a statically parsed Typed.

  • TypedReader.parse() now returns a TypedElement.

  • Added $Typed, a TypeChecker for Typed.

  • Added TypedReader for parsing generic directive types.

  • Added support for void and Null types to appear in tokens.

  • Added DirectiveVisitor, and removed $HostBinding and $HostListener.

  • Added ModuleReader.extractProviderObjects to use in the view compiler.

  • Added logFine as a new top-level API.

  • Added an internal cli.dart library. See lib/cli.dart for details.

  • Added SplitDartEmitter for internal use.

  • Added $QueryList as a TypeChecker.

  • Expose the $Provider TypeChecker.

  • Added typeArgumentOf helper method.

  • Added support for recognizing the MultiToken type.

  • CompilerFlags now supports as a fast_boot argument; default is true.

  • ReflectorEmitter now takes an optional deferredModules{Source}.

  • Started adding experimental support for a new Module syntax.

Breaking Changes

  • CompilerFlags no longer parses and supports the 'debug' option and
    genDebugInfo is always false, and is deprecated pending removal in a
    future version.

  • Removes unused APIs of ComponentReader.

  • TokenReader no longer supports arbitrary const objects or literals.

  • Removed use_new_template_parser flag. The old parser was removed.

  • Removed $QueryList.

  • Added canRead to NgAssetReader.

  • Moved CompilerFlags and Profile to cli.dart.

  • linkToReference now requires a second parameter, a LibraryReader, and
    treats private types (i.e. prefixed with _) as dynamic as the compiler
    cannot point to them.

  • ReflectableEmitter has been completely replaced with a new implementation.

  • Removed all references and use of determining a "prefix" of a type. This was
    no longer used once ReflectableEmitter was re-written.

  • Removed a number of internal flags that were no longer strictly required.

  • ModuleReader.deduplicateProviders now returns a List not a Set, and
    providers that are multi are not removed, as it is a feature of the DI
    system to have multiple of them with the same token.

  • Add the TypeLink class, and replace uses of Uri.

  • @Component and @Directive annotated classes are no longer @Injectable.
    In practice this means they can no loger be provided as an implicit const Provider(FooComponent) without either manually adding @Injectable or
    refactoring your code. We found this didn't really affect users, and most
    uses of components and directives in these lists were accidental.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the compiler crashed after resolving a bound type failed.

  • Misspelled or otherwise erroneous annotations on classes now produce a more
    understandable error message, including the element that was annotated and
    the annotation that was not resolved.

  • Fix a bug where throwFailure hit an NPE without a stack trace.

  • linkTypeOf correctly resolves bound types (i.e. <T>) in most cases, and
    can fallback to dynamic otherwise.

  • Removed all remaining (invalid) references to package:barback.

  • Prevented a RangeError that occurred when an invalid import lacked an

  • ReflectorEmitter now supports MultiToken and generic-typed tokens, with
    some known limitations. See #782.

  • Fix a bug in the outliner that did not the correct output extension.



  • Maintence release to support dart 2.0 stable.