Spring Boot Project to develop a REST Interface for retrieval of Real Estate Data
spring-boot-real-estate directory - contains the spring boot backend project app directory - contains the react frontend project
The project is developed using spring boot as the backend service, react native as the frontend application and mongodb as the database.
Since I didn't receive the JSON data file along with the project, I loaded the JSON data manually using the LoadDataRepository.java in the spring boot project.
In order to run the project, the user needs to have a mongodb installed locally. The instructions to install mongodb can be found below. After that follow the sequence :
Run mongodb
Run Spring boot
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Run React app
npm install
npm start
Frontend URL
Backend URL
REST API endpoints
GET request to return all real estates sorted by Product Type
Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Content:[ { "id": "5c7c37dd8947d043dd41afb9", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10178, Berlin", "commercializationType": "RENT", "features": [ "2 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom" ], "floorSpace": "80 sq. m", "docId": "65573128", "priceForTotalArea": "1100 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "EB Immo", "realtorName": "Michael", "title": "EBM", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "L" } }, { "id": "5c7c37dd8947d043dd41afbb", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10589, Berlin", "commercializationType": "BUY", "features": [ "3 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Balcony" ], "floorSpace": "90 sq. m", "docId": "65573130", "priceForTotalArea": "1300 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "Immowelt", "realtorName": "Christian", "title": "IW", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "L" } }, { "id": "5c7c37dd8947d043dd41afba", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10179, Berlin", "commercializationType": "BUY", "features": [ "1 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom" ], "floorSpace": "50 sq. m", "docId": "65573129", "priceForTotalArea": "700 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "Best Immo", "realtorName": "Eric", "title": "BI", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "S" } } ]
- Code: 200
Sample Call:
GET request to return all real estates grouped by Post Code
Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Content:[ { "addressToDisplay": "10589, Berlin", "total": 1 }, { "addressToDisplay": "10179, Berlin", "total": 1 }, { "addressToDisplay": "10178, Berlin", "total": 1 } ]
- Code: 200
Sample Call:
GET request to return all real estates
Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Content:[ { "id": "5c7be4c58947d07d3f3fd649", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10178, Berlin", "commercializationType": "RENT", "features": [ "2 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom" ], "floorSpace": "80 sq. m", "docId": "65573128", "priceForTotalArea": "1100 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "EB Immo", "realtorName": "Michael", "title": "EBM", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "L" } }, { "id": "5c7be4c58947d07d3f3fd64a", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10179, Berlin", "commercializationType": "BUY", "features": [ "1 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom" ], "floorSpace": "50 sq. m", "docId": "65573129", "priceForTotalArea": "700 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "Best Immo", "realtorName": "Eric", "title": "BI", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "S" } }, { "id": "5c7be4c58947d07d3f3fd64b", "name": "Berlin", "resultListEntries": { "addressToDisplay": "10589, Berlin", "commercializationType": "BUY", "features": [ "3 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Balcony" ], "floorSpace": "90 sq. m", "docId": "65573130", "priceForTotalArea": "1300 EUR", "realtorCompanyName": "Immowelt", "realtorName": "Christian", "title": "IW", "pictureUrl": "www.google.com", "productType": "L" } } ]
- Code: 200
Sample Call:
To Configure MongoDB locally
Follow the instructions:
To start mongodb from the command line:
Mongodb starts on the Port number 27017
To Run the Spring Boot application
Using Maven plugin, from the command line:
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Using Jar file as a packaged application, from the command line:
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/spring-boot-real-estate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Spring boot project starts on the Port number 8080
To Run the React application
Go to the app directory
From the command line use:
npm install npm start
React application starts on the Port number 3000